Republican congressman Ted Yoho refuses to apologize after calling AOC a "fucking bitch"

I didn’t think that’s what you meant to type, but it can be difficult to tell these days.

Hey, at least Ted Yoho didn’t blame spellcheck for his inappropriate outburst!/s


With all the microphones pointed at the Capitol steps it’s amazing that a recording hasn’t leaked.


Coming soon, I suspect, on the list of insincere, driving trollies Republican apologies.


Now that’s a punishment for asshole congressmen I could get behind.


Hopefully, 8 out of 10 cats does countdown was on your schedule. i can only recommend


Wanna bet that the focus of the right (and, unfortunately, many pearl-clutchers on the left) will be that she used the work “fucking” on the floor of the House? While completely ignoring the substance of her very powerful statement.


There are times when “call-in” culture just doesn’t cut it.
AOC is a force to be reckoned with.


That depends on where and how she plans to use the cane.


Because he embodies their hatred and desire to bully.


You need to raise your game, ‘wanker’ is far too mild. Frankie Boyle is your man - think permanently-enraged Glaswegian…


“But I could at least apologise for not showing the respect to another human being that my Faith expects of me; instead I’ve shown that ‘Faith’ is just a sticking-plaster I use to cover the festering, suppurating sore that lies at the centre of my soul”
The apology that, sadly, wasn’t said.


What a woman! Can we have her, please? I’d dearly love to see her at Prime Minister’s Question Time. :heart_eyes:


I agree. He looks exactly how I expected he would based on his conduct.

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Typical white self-entitled conservative asshat.

He can’t comprehend a woman that’s smarter and quicker on her feet than him.

Especially one that’s brown!

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And I’d love to see the equivalent of Question Time here.


Friday, July 24, 2020

That Fucking Bitch

The people who work at the New York Times are deeply broken people.

WASHINGTON — Ever since Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came to Congress as the youngest woman elected to the House, she has upended traditions, harnessing the power of social media and challenging leaders, including President Trump, who are 50 years her senior.
On Thursday, she had her most norm-shattering moment yet when she took to the House floor to read into the Congressional Record a sexist vulgarity that Representative Ted Yoho, a Florida Republican, had used to refer to her.
“In front of reporters, Representative Yoho called me, and I quote: ‘A fucking bitch,’” she said, punching each syllable in the vulgarity. “These are the words Representative Yoho levied against a congresswoman.”
Then Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, who excels at using her detractors to amplify her own political brand, invited a group of Democratic women in the House to come forward to express solidarity with her. One by one, they shared their own stories of harassment and mistreatment by men, including in Congress. More even than the profanity uttered on the House floor, where language is carefully regulated, what unfolded over the next hour was a remarkable moment of cultural upheaval on Capitol Hill.
Sure she was called a fucking bitch, but she used it to tik-tok her way into the hearts of the snapchat generation by elevating her brand!!!

As for “fucking bitch,” here’s the article about Yoho calling her that.

After a brief and tense exchange, the newspaper said, Mr. Yoho walked away from Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, uttering a pair of expletives.

They didn’t even quote Yoho using the naughty words, but they quoted AOC quoting him using the naughty words, because it UPENDED TRADITIONS, and was NORM-SHATTERING. You might say, UPPITY!

These fucking people.

Atrios at 08:00


Sadly Question Time is nowhere near as good as it used to be.

(sees comment you are replying to)

Oh you mean PMQs.

Both would be good to see in the US.


Pillock? Tosser?


Further to the earlier replies praising the rich vocabulary of insult available to the Glaswegians, I’ll suggest:

a glaikit sumph, a shilpit wee nyaff.

Both of which are actually fairly polite when translated. And would both fit Mr Yoho to a T.