Republicans will never certify a Democratic win ever again

I’m feeling this. I think perhaps a total media block out is my next answer. I already left social media and mainstream news. Can someone text me when we hit the “sell everything you own and flee” stage?

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Don’t give up on the good; it’s all around if you look for it.


None of the republicans I know match any of the derogatory terms mentioned in this article in action or speech. I wonder if this means it’s just grandstanding hyperbolic dribble or if my circle of acquaintances who are members of the Republican Party are just shrewd disinformation operatives.

Maybe they’re just not the dramatic type of assholes?


Do they acknowledge Joe Biden won the election fair and square?


Is there no third option where we recognize that just because not every single member of a group is awful doesn’t magically prevent the group from being awful as a whole? Because that’s the one I’d choose. Some of my relatives that I love and respect voted for trump twice. They’re genuinely good people that are doing terrible things to our country

Supporting the current republican party is supporting white supremacists. If your acquitances don’t want that, then please talk them out of supporting the party


Sounds great on its face, but, ya know, state-level voter suppression laws are all the rage these days.

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I just read it again and I don’t see any “derogatory terms” in the article

Can you list the ones you’re talking about?


living as i do in the darkest heart of red america as a texas native i find your experiences are altogether remarkable. i can barely think of enough republicans who haven’t gone all-in on either “stop the steal”, Q, or both to tax being able to count them on the fingers on one hand. meanwhile i have encountered people who have accused me of being antifa because i was wearing a mask in public. i have been told by otherwise intelligent individuals that “they just pitched the real votes and put in a bunch of faked ones for biden” and when i pointed out that trump had, in fact, won texas, i have been told that i need to stop watching fox news which clearly was pandering to the liberals.


I suspect that you will discover (as I have) that despite their affable personal affect, most self-identifying Republicans still nod along to the various talking points of the right wing mainstream. If you ask them about specific talking points, they will usually make some token effort to support whatever talking point even if it is racist, nativist, etc. they will try and pitch it in a way which gives it a veneer of credibility without the problematic underpinnings.


Which means, they know they’re the baddies.


Trump’s approval rating among Republicans was above 95% his entire time in office, dipping briefly to 87% as he was literally trying to violently overthrow the government.

If you don’t think this article describes your Republican friends, you are not paying attention. They all supported all the reprehensible fascist things Trump did and tried to do.


The problem is the Democrats are almost as corrupt in their own way and certainly just as self serving and will not take the steps needed to do these things as they like having these options available also.

The first and foremost goal of 99+% of politicians is to assure their continued place and their party’s place at the trough by any means necessary.

The Republicans have simply decided they no longer need to hide their corruption.

There are few left in either paerty who genuinely qualify as patriots in the original lower case meaning.

More and more on almost anything, you see strict party line voting and it makes headlines if even one or two of the “other side” votes against their party’s wishes.

“The Party is inherently right” was a hallmark of Communism, now it is the mark of Republicans and in a few more years probably the Democrats as well.

Watch for something akin to “Dissension is treason” to start becoming a quiet mantra on either side. Then start shopping for a condo in Tasmania or someplace still mostly sane and out of the way.

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The Republicans you know are either not saying the quiet parts out loud in your presence or are voting blindly on tribal branding. That doesn’t excuse their continuing to support a party that is increasingly open about its antipathy toward liberal-democratic norms (and to PoC, to LGBTQ people, to the well-educated, to “inconvenient” scientific facts, etc.).

As to “derogatory terms”, if you’re referring to the first graf of @frauenfelder’s article I see nothing that isn’t true about the party, even if your acquaintances aren’t rabid and open bigots and aren’t billionaires.


Citation please. Democrats have not urged violently overturning a free and fair election, restricting the vote based on race, or empowering legislatures to overturn the vote. Republicans have done that. No more of this both-siderism garbage.


Feel free to cut the bothsides bullshit at any time. Either that or back up the unsubstantiated defamation with at least a thin veneer of evidence. Otherwise you’re just spouting OAN talking points.


Do you know why they voted Republican then? Because there have been hundreds of Trump voters are just normal people! interviews, and even trying to spin them in a positive light, most can’t quite hide that white supremacy is a main attraction. If not that, what do your acquaintances get out of the party?


You don’t know any Republicans who support the thoroughly-debunked “stolen election” narrative or voted for any candidates who did?

May I ask which candidates your Republican friends DID vote for?


Though indeed opportunistic and corrupt themselves, Dems haven’t ever supported defying the rule of law and open insurrection.