Richard Spencer too stupid to interview

I’ll be honest, I was totally expecting Spencer to follow up with something crazy like, “How can you even argue with that? You have Jay-Z and Beyonce!”


Fucker looks more and more like the Pepe cartoon frog with every interview he gives. Waiting for him to turn green.

Good God he makes me sick.

When I see folks like Richard Spencer, Ann Coulter, Milo, or Alex Jones doing their thing, I’m struck by the realization that they’re on stage, roleplaying.

I used to do a lot of LARPing, and once you’ve defined your character (“I’m a swashbuckling knight named Sir Loin of Beef, and I like to adventure!”), as you walk around roleplaying, you’re constantly making their personality clear to yourself and others until you know exactly what you’d say at any given time. Sometimes you try something new, see how it flies, and adjust your character as needed.

Richard Spencer figured out who “Richard Spencer” would be awhile back and has his stock answers all set. “Ethno-state”, “How can you even argue?” etc. He’s just really poor at improv. He’s weirdly ignorant of the basics that would let him really play his character well and comes up with terrible responses. Not only is he a racist asshole, he’s not even good at being one. The guy needs a new character.




We could all boycott this thread, and threads like it, and all the media coverage, so that we can do our part to make these halfwits irrelevant.

It’s cynical, but I could see there being a measure of truth to it. The Milos, Coulters, Spencers not being bigots per se, but people that just want to get rich and famous and don’t care how, or who gets stepped on on the way. I absolutely believe there’s a measure of this to Trump, and that he like as not considers his supporters just more saps to be grifted.


Actually the men who survived D-day probably aren’t too pleased either.


You mean the ones who died storming the beach or the ones who died defending it?


I put ice in whiskey (bourbon, rye, blends). I don’t drink single malts any more, for the most part, but I probably have put ice in them at some point or another (but of course neat would be typical). I think ice in many whiskeys works fine! I’m getting older, I need the dilution dammit!

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Dude… if I could flip a magic switch, every bigot in the world would wake up tomorrow as a member of whatever group they hate the most; like, walk a mile in the other guys’ shoes, literally.

And just like Bill Murray in Groundhog’s Day, they’d be stuck that way until they truly learned better.

Act Right


That’s basically my view of karma and multi-lifetime-incarnation, so… I’d give it good odds.

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Thats called karma, yo! Some of us actually believe it works this way.


I don’t see it as cynical; when folks like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh freely admit to “playing a role” or seeing themselves as “performance artists”, I’m sure that while they believe quite a bit of what they’re saying, they’re also consciously playing an enhanced version of themselves on-air as a character. Some are really charismatic and engaging, or at least really loud and unique. But Richard Spencer is so bland and boring and does such a terrible job of expressing his bigotry that I genuinely don’t understand why he keeps getting air-time to unintelligently and illiterately voice his BS.


The difference with my idea is that they’d fully remember exactly who and what they were before the ‘switch’ got ‘flipped.’


Yeah, what have AFRICANS ever given culture? You know, other than bipedalism, language, and fire?


Oh no, no no no. They’re bigots through-and-through.


For the sake of his lifespan and condition of living, I urge Spencer to volunteer for slavery himself.


Some of the best music created in modern times. Jazz, Gospel, Blues, Rock and Roll all came from African roots. Especially the “call and response” meme.


There is no meaningful difference between someone who spouts racist bullshit because they believe it and someone who spouts racist bullshit for personal gain. The end result is the same. I don’t care what’s in their innermost hearts, I care about what is coming out of their mouths.