Originally published at: Right-wing commentator Stephen Crowder threatened wife and "exposed himself" to co-workers | Boing Boing
A right wing hateful goon is a terrible person who does terrible things?!? Who would of thunk it?!?
So he’ll be Fox’s new lead in for Sean Hannity soon?
Almost like they are all assholes.
So, a regular family guy.
He posted a video a couple hours ago saying
“Everyone else’s sin is worse than your own.”
“People don’t wanna examine what THEY do”
His point was who hasn’t said and done the same or worse than Tucker. I don’t think that the defense he thinks it is.
I assume this must be a different John Goodman than the one most of us are familiar with since he has made it clear he’s not the kind of person to tolerate uninvited sexual contact.
In the case of sinners like Crowder, Carlson, Trump, etc? You’re damn right their behavior is worse than my own.
I thought he was finding strangers in the alps
Enough not to get your junk out in public, I’m hoping. No need to call his mental state into question, it’s always a shit thing to do regardless.
Conservatives: This is intolerable, this is tyrannical, this is slavery!
Also conservatives: Actually, the slaves were treated pretty well.
Wait! Ben Shapiro’s company can afford to buy a show for $50 mil?
Fuck that guy.
“Today we learned that Crowder is [accused of exposing his genitals to colleagues], giving conservatives obsessed with male prerogatives something else to chew on.”
Well, something like that…
That’s okay, he was just proving his genitals matched his birth certificate so he play on the men’s softball league.
Abusive behaviour and bullying are baked into right-wing populism. We can safely assume that any fascist pundit has stories like this associated with them.
Wait, what? I thought the message of that scene was that gregarious mountaineers were frowned upon? Has… has my TV lied to me?! Is nothing true? What else have they bowdlerised? Those duplicitous melon farmers!
Why is it that so many white, bearded, RWInJa’s film in front of a brick background with a neon sign?
Maybe we should stop idolizing extreme social dysfunction in males… Maybe behaving like an imprisoned wolf isn’t an optimal leadership strategy…