Right wing extremist Arizona congressman Paul Gosar released absurd "Attack on Titan"-themed anime video

ea employee GIF


I, for one, am not about to watch that trash; but I wonder who his fellow fascists are in the clip?

Dude looks pissed off all the time. It’s a wonder he hasn’t popped a vein yet.
We can hope…


I thought the notion of less government meant something like this would be even more appreciated by the people who support him.


Is it too much to expect them to read the book? Probably yes, because it is far clearer about the Nazis being the Bugs.


I admit that I haven’t read it either, but that is because I don’t enjoy military SF and I stopped reading books that I don’t like after I left secondary school.


So, he attacks a giant image of Biden, with a pair of samurai swords. Isn’t that the sort of thing that gets an ordinary fellow a knock on the door from some burly federal agents with no sense of humor and no plans for the next 12 hours?


Everyone just relax, nothing to see here. After all, this man was just exercising his “rights”. /s
And no, he will unlikely be held accountable because, you know, “rights”.

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I stopped reading that when Stress said “not many SF writers would have chosen a Filipino hero”. I haven’t read Starship but I did read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress recently and yes, it is sufficiently hard right as to be functionally fascist. The form of libertarianism he espoused was a bolshevik form - the masses were too unenlightened (false consciousness) to accept the truth of the libertarian revolution so a small cadre of enlightened individuals would do the revolution for them and they’d learn to like it later. In that also, towards the end, he drops the bomb that the obviously white hero was in fact mixed race. A really annoying edgelord piece of bullshit from the kind of liberal who moves hard right later in life.

And just after that they send out one of the fuck puppet women to make the dinner which she happily does because “she was a good femme”.

So Charlie should watch the fucking movie and stop making excuses for Heinlein who really was a parodically fascist piece of shit in his actual writing.


Mind? What mind?


In 2021 liberals are trying to fix the infrastructure grid and reopen the US while managing a pandemic.

In 2021 conservatives are crying about Big Bird and trying to defend tweeting weird AMVs.


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