Right-wing militia groups have set up armed illegal checkpoints in Oregon

And Rwanda, albeit with machetes instead of guns.


Meanwhile, in Colorado…


Fun fact: Oregon was founded as a “White’s Only” enclave to resist slavery. Many “Black Exclusion Laws” were a part of their founding documents.


Yeah, and the majority of Oregonians have been changing that for a while.
Fun fact: Whatever you like and support probably has a horrible past. And in time your deeply held beliefs will inevitably be considered horrible by right-thinking people.


Would their heads asplode if you told them that you were a sovereign citizen and they had no right to detain you?



They joined the military, so that counts against them on that front

Why would you think that? I bet the number of punisher patches on military personnel is about as high as that on law enforcement officers.


1847 to 2002 to finally remove all racist (No Blacks) context from the Oregon State Constitution, 255 years. That’s progress I guess. /s
Anyway while I admire my fellow citizens in Oregon zeal. Taking the law into your own hands based on Facebook rumors is just wrong.
What is wrong with those people! Facebook is not the Government.

also you’ll get the “regulated, like a clock”, argument, as if the idea of a clockwork universe somehow stops at matters of governance and society.



Regulated, like a clock

What does that even mean? That they tick once a second?

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all the gears move smoothly and reliably so as to produce a predictable result. The analogy can be extended as one pleases to encompass things as far removed from actual clockwork as close order drill, the organization of a manufactory, etc etc.

That seems like an interpretation that needs to be supported by extensive documentation of the same phrase being used in other period writing for me to believe it is realistic.

It is more like the people we trust to protect our freedoms are among the most likely to fall for right-wing bullshit. Or can you show me one country where the police or army has a left-wing bias compared to the general population of that country? They join the army for a reason, and that reason is not “your freedoms”.



Genuinely wondering, not trying to challenge you.

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I don’t think so. I haven’t met any military personell on my visit to Cuba, but what I learned about the Army, Police and Secret Service in the GDR would prove my point that even in a socialist country you’d find that the military leans more to the right than the general population, because the military would still be a strictly hierarchical and authoritarian system.


Their mission is to uphold the established order, which makes them conservative even if the government sees itself as socialist or “revolutionary”. For the same reason “revolutionary” states damn their opponents as “reactionaries”: they talk about defending the revolution as if it happened yesterday rather than decades ago, so they have to pretend that the opposition cannot have any political ideas newer than those of the revolution.

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Blocking traffic for a matter of minutes, putting your body on the line, is very different from blocking people indefinitely with guns to shoot disobeyers.


And Andy Ngo is very different from a credible journalist. Some people can’t tell the difference, and cite the former as if he’s the latter.


Credible journalists protect their sources, Andy Ngo does data dumps for Atomwaffen.


One would hope they wouldn’t enjoy turning their weapons against their own people like most LEOs seem so happy to do these days. I fear this is going to either become a bloodbath with million deaths or a giant business for private owned jails taking into custody millions of new inmates for life. Either way, the fascists would succeed in their plan, which to me every day raises more and more warning flags of eugenics in disguise.