Robert Mueller speaks: 'There were multiple systematic efforts to interfere in our election'

We watched an afterschool special in middle school called “For the Love of Nancy” and while the subject matter of a teen girl with anxiety/eating disorder was absolutely not funny (except midly, in a tension-laugh kinda way when she punches a hole in the wall to hide her dinner. that seemed…off) the phrase “For the Love of Nancy!” has ever since been my exclamation in times of stress. Seems appropriate now.


It’s yet another one of those situations in which 200 years’ worth of “gentlemen’s agreement” level of obligations written on old parchment turn out to mean absolutely nothing to leaders who care nothing about things like “reputation” or “honor” and know that by violating everything they can they can reap massive financial rewards simply will, knowing there are zero consequences except for “shame!” editorials. If you have zero shame, you can make quite a profit, turns out!


Yes, at the end of the day all laws are just ideas on paper if there aren’t people willing and able to enforce them.


No, he’s John Barron.


pedant alert
The US Senate is not gerrymandered, insofar as the state borders are fixed. The GOP problem in the upper body is thanks to the general population of each individual Dipshit Flyover state.

Now, voter suppression on the other hand…


Holy fscking double-negatives, Batman!

"As set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime. The introduction to the volume two of our report explains that decision.”

Fscking lawyers!


We haven’t necessarily seen the end result yet.


“You’re watching a man who, according to the Army Ranger Hall of Fame, " personally led a fire team across the fire-swept terrain to recover a mortally wounded marine.”

But apparently without the courage to recognize his role is political, and refuses to take action to make certain a criminal president is held accountable in the face of a complicit GOP Senate.

So thanks Mueller, for being just another cowardly republican unwilling to do what it takes to hold trump accountable.


Apparently every american but trump.


It doesn’t matter if the Senate refuses to do or not do. Pelosi and the House need to do THEIR job. Let the Senate’s choices stand on their own.


Huh. You think you know people.


I like your post, but I think Pelosi is making a conscious strategic calculation (and daily tactical calculations), rather than avoiding impeachment because she’s spineless, or paid-off, or whatever. She’s smart, she’s broken barriers, she’s done good work, and I’ve seen no evidence that she’s particularly beholden to special interests. I do think that smart people can disagree, in good faith, on whether bringing articles of impeachment on 2019 is a good move, or a necessary move. Maybe it is. Maybe it gets Trump another four years. I do not know. But I haven’t seen evidence of bad faith from Pelosi.


Tee hee. Angie Harmon is a Republican.

They really would be horrified, not just at this, but at how few impeachments of any office-holders there have been in American history.


She’s also rich. Which trumps (snicker) politics.

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Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said Congress believes its responsibility “to investigate and hold the President accountable for his abuse of power” is a sacred duty — but she did not call for impeachment proceedings. -CNN

WTF Nancy?


To leave a voicemail for @ SpeakerPelosi : 202 225 4965 option 1


seems to be wiped from any non-conservative news source.


The dems sat down at the same old table to play the same old game of chess when the repubs walked in and knocked the pieces onto the floor, and Nancy is left sitting there still wondering what pawn to move first. Maybe she is waiting for the right moment, but it looks to me like it will be up to the voters again with our compromised voting machines, fake news from russia enraging the idiots, and a broken electoral system that was not designed to help us. I dont believe Nancy was prepared for this take over nor does she have any idea how to fix it.

The majority of politicians dont care about our well being, just like corporations don’t care about their employees or customers. If you understand that to be true, then it’s also easy to understand that Nancy is more interested in self preservation of her power first and likely has zero will to expose her neck for the good of the people.


Unfortunately, they have a lot of practice for this with their science denial. “The Special Counsel found no evidence of direct conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and Russia, despite repeated attempts to do so” = exoneration, even though a scientist knows that absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence. When a scientist talks about their findings, they include language of uncertainty. Conservative pounce on that language to downplay the results. Same with the Mueller Report.