Robin Williams, 1951-2014

I guess that he talked about his one consideration of suicide on Marc Maron’s podcast from a couple of years ago… They played a bit of it on the radio this morning – he went through his inner dialog at the time.
WTF with Marc Maron Podcast - Episode 67 - Robin Williams

I will miss this guy!


Even the Mork doll has sad eyes. Amazing.

W. Kamau Bell’s rememberance of their one encounter is just one of many stories from comics about how unfailingly nice Williams was.

Sigh. He’ll always be Mork to me, though I was very pleased to once do a gender-bending burlesque act where I sang “Lydia the Tattooed Lady” since that was one of my favorite moments of his on film.

I’ve read several now about how he took the time and went out of his way to help folks through emotional times. (both celebs and civilians)

Edit: Here’s one of the many: From Dana Gould

Two years ago, I was performing at The Punchline in San Francisco, and Robin came to the show with our mutual friend, Dan Spencer.

This particular batch of material was the first time I had touched upon my then still-fresh divorce wounds, and big chunks of it were pretty dark. The next day, I got a text from a number I didn’t recognize. Whoever it was had obviously been to the show and knew my number, so I figured they would reveal themselves at some point and save me the embarrassment of asking who they were.

The Mystery Texter asked how I was REALLY doing. “You can’t fool me. Some of those ‘jokes’ aren’t ‘jokes.” By now I knew that whoever this was had been through what I was enduring, as no one else would know to ask, “What time of day is the hardest?”

He wanted to know how my kids were handling it, all the while assuring me that the storm, as bleak as it was, would one day pass and that I was not, as I was then convinced, a terrible father for visiting a broken home upon my children.

I am not rewriting this story in retrospect to make it dramatic. I did not know who I was texting with. Finally, my phone blipped, and I saw, in a little green square, “Okay, pal. You got my number. Call me. I’ve been there. You’re going to be okay. - Robin.”

That is what you call a human being.


RW was one of my long-time personal heroes, my very definition of a Peter Pan in the open world. I segued from reading Peter Pan to watching Mork and Mindy, and knew Peter had jumped into real life.

Apple have honoured him with a homepage tribute - a rare thing, a small number of people have had it - including Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks and Steve Jobs. Says a huge amount about him.

His daughter Zelda has been trolled; what a horrid shame. She left a wonderful eulogy on her blog:

Another rare tribute honoring him:

On Tuesday night, the lights at the Chinese Theatre were dimmed in his honor.
He was the eighth person they’ve ever done this for.

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