Originally published at: Ron DeSantis signs bill that allows Florida to build roads with radioactive waste | Boing Boing
Of course he did. And of course some fatcat who didn’t have anything to do with his company’s toxic waste product before this is giving DeSantis and the bill’s sponsors some form of kickback.
like a $25,000 golf simulator for the governor’s mansion? oh nevermind – he already has one of those.
I hear this is how Peter Parkway became a superhighway.
With great horsepower comes less responsibility. – Uncle Ron.
Maybe not everywhere, but it ties in nicely with his Disney feud. Maintaining the roads is one of the things he actually did take control of there. I can imagine the new Central Florida Tourism Oversight District boad volunteering to be the study site. If the study goes pooly, oh well, only woke Disney is impacted.
This will own those woke libs. And of course everyone else there, but that’s never a concern for Republican supporters.
Just drive between the particles.
The particles travel at roughly 4M mph. You’re in for one hell of a speeding ticket.
“That’s it, I’m movin’ ta Flarida! They got radioactive /roads/, man!”
Future villain, The Meatball.
I’m no material scientist; but is there any reason to expect gypsum to be a good aggregate material, even if you are talking about the kind that doesn’t come with nucleotides and heavy metals?
Quite soft, more water soluble than is really ideal, has some hydration and dehydration reactions that occur at fairly low temperatures(not necessarily ‘warm day’; but definitely within the range of hot mix asphalt).
Is there some non-obvious virtue that I’m unaware of, or is it purely an attempt to take advantage of being able to slip at least a few percent of a frankly unsuitable aggregate into asphalt without totally ruining the properties?
that’d be my guess.
the nice part is, if you do ruin the asphalt and the road falls apart, you get to build it again!
Actually, the nice part is, if you do ruin the asphalt and the road falls apart, you get to bill for it again!
Self lighting roadways. What’s not to love?
I’m having a hard time seeing what benefit to the public this could possibly have.
I’m sure they’ve got some talking points lined up though.
pretty sure that’s what i said?
but yes, fail upwards. ever higher.
Ron De-Insanetis
Have the Republicans tried telling their base that invisible, odourless, tasteless radiation is just another liberal lie?
If not, give them a week or two.
I wonder which Republican donor is supposed to be disposing of the waste in a responsible (i.e. costly) manner, but has found it more economic to invest in Florida’s governor instead?