Runner who slapped journalist on butt is Tommy Callaway, a youth minister and boy scout leader in Statesboro, Georgia

How they snivel when they are caught dead to rights.


Unfortunately, this is true. It’s one of those “my words mean what I want them to mean, no more and no less” kind of things. What the words actually mean is not germane, so you eggheads can just piss right off.


Yep. Kind of how everyone who disagrees with them is a communist or socialist or metrosexual or whatever.


What an awesome professional Alex Bozarjian is, continuing her work a split-second after being subjected to an out-of-the-blue assault. Respect.


Legally, this really is not in a gray area. A prosecutor might decide not to pursue a case like this for a variety of reasons, but this is pretty clearly battery.


Gimme a break. I worked as a bartender in school. and if I had a dollar for every girl that slapped my ass or kissed me without permission, I’d be rich.

The guy apologized. Move on.

Well then, that would also be wrong. I would recommend the same treatment for them that this guy got.

[willpower failing… taking bait…]

Was it actually without your permission though, or just without your express permission? Were you fine with it, more or less, or did you find yourself repulsed by these women and consider them an impediment to your job?


That was sexual assault. Gender of the victim is a nonfactor.


He never actually apologized.


That’s a weird humblebrag…


That, and he’s strongly implying that they didn’t tip.


Judge: You stand accused of rape and murder. How do you plead?

Defendant: Not guilty, your honor. Besides, I said I was sorry.

Judge: Oh! You’re free to go! Case dismissed.


So men who are sexually assaulted are somehow “less than”? No, I am sorry, sexual assault is just wrong. The choice of victim should not be a factor in punishment. Especially since “on a female” is often given as an excuse for the behavior,




I feel like there’s an argumentative tone between two important lenses on sexual assault that complement rather than contradict each other. Does everyone agree that:

  1. This specific act of a man helping themself to a woman’s body in a public way has a specific gendered context that connected to patriarchal norms and that context is important to the impact of the crime; and
  2. Sexual assault is wrong regardless of the perpetrator and the victim and no one should be excused from it based on gender



People can’t be sorry about things if they hope to get away without being called out on them? How is that proof that sorrow/regret doesn’t exist there? Maybe cowardice, sure.

Dude is shitty. Act is shitty. Apology is shitty. That logic, also shitty.

In order to apologize for doing something, you first have to acknowledge that you did it and that it was wrong.

This dude has only fulfilled the first half of that equation.


You were fine with it, therefore she should be fine with it. Got it.


I think this is a place where the gendered context is important. You probably have women in your life who you care about. Try asking how they would feel if someone grabbed the ass at work, or how they have felt about it, because it may be an experience they’ve had.

People aren’t all the same and our gender doesn’t determine everything about us. Still, unwanted touching of a woman by a man is a different think than unwanted touching a man by a woman. It carries a different message. So many women in our culture are raped by men that when men act in an entitled way towards women’s bodies it would be irrational for the woman not to feel threatened, not to be on the defensive.

I was going to say that I’m happy your experience of having your body be casually used by others without your consent wasn’t damaging or traumatizing for you. But when I thought about that, I think that normalizing other people’s right to touch you without your consent is damage.

A person’s paycheck shouldn’t depend on having to accept unwanted ass grabs. That’s not a controversial or arguable statement. Maybe you feel that consenting to have your body touched in a sexual way is just part of the job for a bartender in the same way that it would be part of the job for a sex worker. That sounds pretty wrong to me since sexual touching isn’t part of the work of being a bartender. But even then, sexual touching is definitely not part of the work of being a TV reporter.