Runner who slapped journalist on butt is Tommy Callaway, a youth minister and boy scout leader in Statesboro, Georgia

Well, what is a religion? It’s a label a group of people put on their beliefs - i.e. their culture, essentially. It’s always changing, varies from particular group to particular group, and almost certainly has little to do with what it meant originally. In the case of Christianity, it’s been a state religion used to justify maintaining the status quo and oppressing people for the majority of its history, such that one could easily use that as a definition of what “real” Christianity is, if one wanted to play that game. (That there’s a foundational text that directly contradicts the way Christianity has been practiced for most of its history isn’t terribly relevant when it’s also sufficiently contradictory that some bits have to be ignored, and other bits are no longer practicable, leaving aside the whole interpretation issue.)



But welcome to Boing Boing anyway.


Me saying that the guy wasn’t really sorry and was hoping to get away with his criminal actions is as shitty as the criminal act itself?

Dude, walk that one back right now.



Saying you’re sorry — and especially when you are caught red-handed on camera — is intended to lessen the inevitable punishment. That’s why most murderers generally don’t say, “yeah, I did murder them all, and was happy to do it” right after they are found guilty, because sentencing comes later.


Local pedant here, you’ve got these slightly muddled in definition.

“Assault” requires the apprehension of battery.
“Battery” is the actual physical contact.

So it’s possible to have an assault without battery in cases where the perpetrator makes it clear they intend to cause unwanted physical contact, but never actually making such contact. Likewise you can have battery without assault in cases where the victim receives unwanted physical contact without being aware of the impending contact. The most common example of the latter involves someone stabbing a person in the back, which matches up closely with this particular incident.

tl;dr A man running up behind a woman and unexpectedly slapping her on the ass is battery without assault.


Pedantry appreciated.


There is s “Pedant Pendant” badge here. FYI


Pretty sure we are in a good degree of agreement there.

We are 100% in agreement there.

I am surprised to learn this, and wonder if it varies much (in the US) from state to state. My own first person experience with criminal law around assault and battery (as a non-lawyer to be very clear :slight_smile: ) in California built my understanding that battery always implies assault, because (intentional) unwanted touching is literally the manifestation of the credible threat of unwanted touching (I never learned about apprehension).

If I understand you, assault depends on perceiving the threat in some sense? Does that mean one could never assault someone in a persistent vegetative state?

PS Thank you for the education.

PPS Pedant Pride! (One to another :slight_smile: )


That’s the gist of it in my understanding. Of course there are jurisdictions just put it all down to assault. But in the ones that don’t, if there isn’t any apprehension or perception that battery is going to occur or even has occurred, then it’s purely battery with no element of assault.

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Such a tell, I know!

Yes, it actually is. Talking about women in dehumanizing ways speaks volumes…

I don’t really understand why women need to keep advocating for being treated as equal human beings. Is it really that hard a thing to do?


Really thoughtful point here. It is too bad it was wasted on a drive-by.


What? No, definitely not as shitty. It was a black and white classification like, sorry or not sorry.

I went to school there, most Savannah locals are the most charming, considerate people you’ll ever meet. It’s the out-of-towners there for the tourism/bar scene that typically cause the most problems. Case in point, the gentlemen from both incidents are from Statesboro/Florida.

I almost wish this reporter handled it as the waitress had and bodyslammed the guy. The number of incidents would drop immediately thanks to Savannah’s new reputation: Touch a butt that isn’t yours, end up on the ground.

I’m not sure how that fits with what i said. I only remarked that saying one isn’t sorry based on the fact that they didn’t come forward until called out was bad logic.

Akin to the bad logic to go off topic, like I did. Wait, no that was just a bad idea, not bad logic.

Please explain to us how someone – who only apologized when their identity was outed and thus they had to face the public (and the legal process) – is truly sorry for their crime. It’s pretty much the definition of ‘not really sorry at all, I’m just sorry I got caught’.

And maybe give us a personal example of how to go through the process necessary to truly apologize for one’s actions.


The guy is from statesboro.

How about we hold men accountable for their actions instead of relying on women to always be bad ass? How about women get to live in a world where this is a problem that is taken seriously?


He’s a dipshit. Lock him up.

The full headline reads "Man accused of slapping reporter’s bottom on live television is charged with misdemeanor sexual battery.”


From somewhere else…

“Sexual battery is a misdemeanor in Georgia, punishable by up to a year in jail. State law defines the crime as making physical contact with the intimate parts of the body of another person without the consent of that person.”