Is there a term for when an argument can be defeated by repeating the same words in a different tone?
"Among my people, we carry many such words as this from many lands, many worlds. Many are equally good and are as well respected, but wherever we have gone, no words have said this thing of importance in quite this way. Look at these three words written larger than the rest, with a special pride never written before, or since, tall words proudly saying, “We the People”. That which you call Ee’d Plebnista, was not written for the chiefs of kings, or the warriors or the rich or the powerful, but for ALL the people! "
Ahem. “Feathery.”
And hey, no furry me, I’m just being intellectually honest and philosophically consistent.
Nope, he’s not getting it.
I think in conservative-old-white-man-nutjob-speak “consent” is a dirty word. They aren’t interested in the opinions of those for whom they want to make rules. Therefore “consent” has a negative association with all those things they want to be able to do. Non-consensual… (let’s just call it sexual assault), search, seizure, spying, morality, passing laws designed to make the rich richer, etc.
His epitaph will read:
“You call that rape?
Why do you hate America so?”
From the quoted paragraph… it almost gives me hope that Rush is starting to understand. I’m probably missing the context or his rage that what he said is somehow supposed to be condemning the left but maybe he’s finally sort of starting to understand?
I would like to complain about calling Rush Limbaugh a human being. Blobby reactionary squawkbot is far more appropriate.
Now that’s a play that you can’t do nowadays as:
- Modernized and up to date
- Played entirely straight (so to speak).
Boundegar (I still pronounce this as Bound-Gear) – as one of the center-right-ish people here, I’ll take that challenge – please, folks, I’m not defending Limbaugh here, but apologizing in the classic sense – trying to explain – I’ll not engage in an argument against Limbaugh, but he’s manifestly not stupid and I think he’s doing something far more insidious :
He’s not saying, I don’t think, that consent is not necessary. Rather, he’s saying it is not sufficient. Only certain activities are legitimate at all and so, if illegitimate, consent doesn’t make a difference. Your bondage party or your threesome or whatever aren’t legitimate activities because you lack the agency to consent to it in the first place.
The attack – and the signal to what’s left of his audience – is to point out that the left believes if an individual can consent to something, it is therefore permissible (and, ultimately, to be legally protected). If consent is all that is required, there is no outside limiting principle as to what a human being can consent to do: abortion, suicide, self-harm, etc. Now the clever thing – insidious, but clever – is that this argument allows one to just say that your choices are illegitimate ab initio.
I think you’re right. And when it comes down to it, he may not be accurately describing the liberal consensus about such things, but I personally am having a tough time imagining something being objectively wrong or evil or sinful if all participants (and all those directly or even somewhat indirectly affected by it) are expressly on board.
Maybe my imagination is failing me. I still have nothing but the best wishes for my fictional chicken’s love life.
“he may not be accurately describing the liberal consensus” is a fine summary of the Rush Limbaugh program.
To be fair, its not entirely fair to people who look like Rush. I mean if we require consent, how is Rush likely to get any action without heading off to the Dominican Republic with his luggage full of viagra and his pockets full of dollars.
This is further proof of the lefts vendetta against fat ugly right wing demagogues.
What if one gives consent against one’s will out of fear? No violence involved, just the implicit threat that one perceives when dealing with someone who’s unstable (and one’s not too stable, either). That’s what happened with me and my late, second ex-husband (no, I didn’t kill him, he died from complications of MS about five years after our divorce. I wanted to, for a while, though.)
Also with an ex-boyfriend. I’ve affirmed to myself that my own faulty judgment, due to other faulty things, didn’t help. I’m not saying I walked into being raped, but I really never thought that that either man was capable of it. I’ve just recent started talking about those incidents because…well, I can now, without feeling as stigmatized. But reporting? Naaaaah. I’m a coward, I can’t take all that scrutiny, all the resultant “shame” I’m supposed to feel.
I understand and agree. Does he complain about bondage parties? I think the thing that nobody can legitimately do is… the Gay. Also, man on dog.
It’s a weapon, not a target. Whatever it is today may or may not be what it is tomorrow.
I dunno, I’d say the regular police could do to pay more attention to sexual assault.
That really just seems like an explicit laying out of the right’s disposition on rape. Think about it, that position has never been about consent. Its always been predicated on two things. Use of violence. And “ownership” of a victim by another man/group. White woman has consensual sex with a black man? Rape. Virginal daughter gets beaten and has sex forced on her? Rape. Some one’s wife gets sex forced on her? Including violently? Rape. If that woman is single, or has any sexual history outside of a current marriage? Not rape. If a wife gets raped by her husband, even violently? Not rape. No use of violence, even if there’s a use of drugs or alcohol? Not rape.
And so forth.
This is too British to get through to USAians.
Can you replace tea with “type of american-made car”, or “which football team you’re cheering for”?
Not sure how else to parse this:
if the left ever senses and smells that there’s no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police.