Rush Limbaugh says hurricanes are fake news, then runs for his life when Irma comes his way

Never play “how low can they go” with a conservative media type.


If she wants excitement, she should go downtown and stand under a crane.


I think the most charitable interpretation is that she thought she was making an ironic meta-joke. It seems like a lot of what passes as high-brow “talk-right” humor fits in that category. The problem with that is that she damn well knows that her audience is not as rich, educated and informed as she is and are constantly on the losing end of Poe’s Law.

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Limbaugh is the progenitor of Alex Jones, he came up with the idea of seeing sneaky liberal conspiracies in everything.

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Rush Limbaugh is a sneaky liberal conspiracy to make the right look bad by association. Its working!

Aryan Ann is disappointed that thousands of Latinos have not been washed out to sea.

I think she’s lost the presumption of innocence by now.

Rush and Ann should trust the Waffle House index.


Holy crap! Yeah, this is a serious storm then.

Just, FYI, much of schools (college and K-12) up here in North GA are shutting down tomorrow, in anticipation of Irma heading our way. Have no heard about our local Waffle Houses yet.

Some people have different reactions to this fake liberal storm.


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