Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/02/19/russian-soldier-proposes-with.html
They’re already planning their honeymoon in Eastern Ukraine.
Russia meddles in foreign elections.
Russia cheats in international sporting competitions as a national policy.
Russia invades sovereign nations with their fancy “Love Tanks”
This story is bullshit. Fuck you Russia.
But the US never meddles in foreign elections or invades sovereign nations? Apparently however sports cheating is not national policy and is left up to the individual to pursue.
In post-Soviet Russia, Valentine’s day proposes you.
Not sure if “if’s not wrong because your government does it too” is a valid argument. /s
All brides remember their first proposal / military photo-op.
Just what the world needs… more militaristic propaganda!
With that kind of co-ordination he must have hidden the day’s vodka rations. That makes the story less Russian by half.
It is definitely not a valid argument. Not sure why you would draw that conclusion. Just drawing attention to the pot calling the kettle black.
I should have put /s at the end. Will rectify.
“These machines are designed to blast human beings into small pieces of meat to advance unfavorable national interests, I love you!”
Proposal stunts make me feel queasy at the best of times. When you mix in that it’s (a) not a real proposal, (b) clickbait for some of Earth’s most evil propaganda organisations and (c) a ham-fisted bid to tie “romance” to the death machinery of a murderous kleptocratic dictatorship, the main emotion I’m feeling is “no”.
No matter how you feel, don’t turn down that proposal. If you don’t want to marry him just send a text later when you’re safely out of range.
And a quote from the Daily Heil because I don’t get enough Nazi propaganda in my inbox.
Just like all the stories about the adorable fascist police puppies the station is getting.
ACAB no matter how much they try to endear themselves to social media.
Same goes for the Russian state.
Additionally, we all know if that had been a gay couple they’d both come down with some mysterious illness that’d need them to go to Siberia to be cured of.
@thomdunn how is this a wonderful thing?
This whole tradition of staging elaborate proposal stunts, stinks. The man is doing his best to make it awkward and uncomfortable for the woman to say, “no”. And if you can’t take an uncoerced answer for this questions, what does that portend for the rest of your lives together?
The default reply to this kind of stunt should always be no.
Tanks for the memories.