Originally published at: Watch: Bizarre Russia ad lures expats with little girls and "no cancel culture" | Boing Boing
Russian winters are supposed to be a selling point now? What’s next, Kuwait bragging about their invigorating summer heat waves?
The post-credits season of Game of Thrones is somehow even worse than the final season was.
Probably that they’ve got some really great haboobs for people to enjoy
I imagine that somebody, somewhere is going to get way too excited, and do an image search, and become very disappointed.
I’m sure the Winter is Coming is a Game of Thrones thing–they’re saying bad times are coming for the world.
That plays like a parody, like something coming from the Onion, or something made by Christopher Guest and Harry Shearer.
Maybe it’s real, but it seems suspiciously bizarre for me to have doubts.
This video seems extremely fake to me, like some kind of weird double, triple bluff op. Just starting with that gross voice the narrator puts on. Nobody is this bad at public communication.
Also, if the target is the west- It’s literally going to be cold for you this winter when we shut off the gas supply completely.
“Delicious cuisine”?
I grew up with Russian food, I have some favorite dishes but it’s not delicious by most people’s standards. A lot of it is poor-people’s food, making do with whatever was around-- cabbage, beets, fish, grains, sour cream, etc. I mean, when you’re starving it’s delicious. Or if you’re really into horseradish.
[ETA: to completely fair, my mom was an adequate cook but not great by any means, far better at pastries than meals, and I’m sure Russia has lots of great cooks and dishes I’ve never tried, including stuff that’s not even traditional Russian food.]
This has to be a parody. The Magats won’t be lured by architecture and literature. I’m not willing to put in the time or research, but I’m fairly certain that some of those images are of communist iconography.
Fixed that for you. Remember, they claim to have several 150MT underwater torpedos just off the coasts of their enemies, each of which is basically a civilization killer. Even if that’s just hype and propaganda, I wouldn’t put it past a dying Putin to decide that if he’s got to go, so does everyone else, and damn the consequences.
Poe’s Law is automatically suspended when Putin’s Russia is involved.
Lived through the embargo of 2005. Also, the worst snowstorms in Moldova in years. No fun.
One YT post says this: For a beautiful “russian woman” they used a picture of Ukrainian singer Angy Kreyda from her video “Vrazhe” (Enemy) about Ukrainian witches doing bad things to their enemies like russian occupants.
It’s going to be a rough winter for everyone, to one degree or another. I see the governments of the EU bracing people for that. If we can all make it through then Putin will be in a much worse position by the spring.
So, do these witches have a website, perhaps a gofundme for some eye of newt and tooth of crow, or a Youtube channel? Because that is a kind of psychological warfare propaganda opportunity that only comes around once in a great while.