Sacramento driver throws incredible fit of road rage

Some follow up:

A freeway road rage incident spilled onto Sacramento streets Monday afternoon…

After some sort of disturbance on eastbound Interstate 80, police said, a man in a white Chevrolet Trailblazer followed another man in a silver Ford Fiesta as he exited the freeway near X and Fifth streets in Sacramento and then rammed his vehicle into the victim’s vehicle several times before fleeing.

…The victim suffered no significant injuries.

…After ramming the Ford Fiesta, Alvarez drove east on X Street, police said, and rammed an unoccupied Honda CRV into the intersection of X and 10th streets.


Plus, what we’re seeing is after an initial collision (or perhaps even more than one) that may have been at a higher rate of speed, which presumably was also deliberate, given that the attacker’s animosity started before that. (Which may also be why there were no air bags - they had already gone off and been deflated?) How many times does one have to deliberately ram someone with a vehicle before it’s considered really serious?

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Looks like 'rrhoid rage to me.


The problem is that this guy was on top of a car. If they’d tased him, there’s a good chance he could have fallen off the car and been severely injured. With him not causing an immediate threat to himself or others, that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. Their better move was just to wait for him to come down to ground level, and then tackle him. (Or tase him at that point if he charged someone or otherwise presented a real threat.)

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Hemorrhoid rage? I mean, I guess his head is firmly wedged up his backside, but it looks like good old fashioned testosterone poisoning to me (complicated by a bad interaction with some narcotics).

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“Police Pin Pile-up on Piles”


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