Sacramento driver throws incredible fit of road rage

Actually, there isn’t. At 1:42

Cameraperson: Is somebody in that car?
EMTs: No.

But hey, let’s just assume that no one is ever appraised of the situation because that’s how first responders should operate. Even then the officer in frame did the right thing. She approached the situation with her taser drawn, made an assessment, and decided that it was safer for everyone involved to just let the guy tire himself out. It’s like a ref breaking up a hockey fight.


This is one instance where I would have been in favor of the police tasering this guy into submission.

Why? Is a car that’s already basically totaled really still worth that much?


I hope I never meet a guy like that in the wild.

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Hey, more of this tactic police.


I believe we may have a break-through here.

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Came here for the “that’ll buff out” but was disappoint.


From my own straight whitebread background I agree.

However I do also find it rare to hear, re: violence, that the problem is women don’t murder enough.


I was thinking the exact same thing. When the assaulter backed way, way up, and then charged forward again at full speed that would absolutely have been attempted murder (if it hadn’t been before).

I’m also confused as to why neither car seemed to have airbags.


I’d like for police to treat everyone like they treat white people. Well maybe not like how they treat women on a New Jersey beach.


Be the change you wish to see.



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honestly, where I grew up (rural midwest) there was not a huge difference in how poor, blue collar workers, and white collar professional were treated by the police. The cops would let kids off for petty crimes with only a phone call to the kid’s parents. Even if your family was poor but generally respected. Respected meaning in that you’d get a beating when you got home. (yea, I’m showing my age here)

But the difference in treatment was profound if you were obviously not local, like if you were black or Hispanic with an accent (and shitty car).

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Also saw Ministry on the tour after they released Land of Rape and Honey there… my friends and I were expecting Cold Life and “Every Day Is Halloween”. Our musical world views were suddenly and delightfully reoriented. I think I got home 4am. :slight_smile:


You hear it around sometimes. Of course, it’s revealing that you interpreted my statement that way rather than “Men’s murder rates need to drop to women’s.” :slight_smile: I guess yer a ‘glass is half empty’ type? :wink:

I actually think it’s a pretty straight line from this thought. :slight_smile:

It suggests the patriarchy recoiling in fear as a response to a changed number of women murdering - which could only be produced by more murder.

A reduction of male murder until it equals the current amount of women who murder, is a situation that seems unlikely to produce fear from the patriarchy.

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Who said that fear is how we combat patriarchy? :slight_smile:

Specifically, one of the reactions I consistently have about the mind-sets of bigots (pick your flavor), is “Don’t you realize how much love, wonder, surprise and joy you are missing out on?”

“Who said that fear is how we combat patriarchy? :)”

Well, you kinda did. :slight_smile:

If you weren’t saying an increase in the number of females doing murdering would abate patriarchy - what exactly did you mean?

Might not have hit the car in the right spot for the airbags to go off, or hard enough, or a few other reasons. Can’t really speculate based on watching a video.

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Even that needs work in NJ.

Seriously and from experience, the way many town NJ police departments operate is just awful. They’re so often and blatantly about generating revenue from people who aren’t rich enough to do anything about it.

It’s no doubt that non-white groups get it worse. My point is that in NJ even the minimum treatment for middle-class honkies can be surprisingly shit.