Salad Cream renamed

Yes, this. It’s not like there is plan afoot to eradicate mayo and replace with Miracle Whip or Salad Cream or anything else.

It’s like some people want us to have fewer condiments or something.

Yeah, that was me. I came to appreciate mayo later, but fake-mayo has it’s place, just like margarine.


I can’t talk for anyone else but you do know that I’m not being entirely serious, don’t you?

Now, onions I do have a problem with. They make me ill for days and seem to be in everything, especially when food has new or improved recipes. Making food from basic ingredients involves a lot of planning ahead when you are already disabled, so that can’t be a regular option.


Okay that will be my nightmare fuel for the rest of the week… thanks, I think.


Edited to maintain factual consistency.

Um. Did you change something? Not sure where my facts were slipping.

I think you misspelled “unlike” as “just like”.

“But for kids like me who were told it was mayonnaise, discovering the truth of actual mayo later on made Miracle Whip feel like a betrayal. And good lord it’s nasty when hot.”

That’s my FREAKIN’ issue right there: Childhood realization to my dad’s Orwellian food lubricant revisionism, if you will…


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