Look, we need to start banning people who do not walk in and immediately to their right, state their order in a loud clear voice, with no extraneous comments, questions, or compliments, then take 2 lateral steps left to the cashier to complete the order. Above all, ban people who dawdle and, say, inquire about the particulars of the mulligatawny or lobster bisque.
I’ve always wondered why it was “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service”. Just alliteration? I would think mentioning pants would be relevant. I’ve noticed that over the past decade or two the line has mostly changed to the vaguer “Casual Dining Attire Required”.
Yes that is a sentence bbb
Yeah, but they could easily disguise themselves by wearing some kind of covering over their face and not acting like assholes in a way that’d pique the staff’s memory of them.
It very much is legal to enforce a dress code. Some clubs, for instance, insist their customers wear button up shirts or similarly formal attire, and will not let someone in who doesn’t meet their expectations. There are some places, however, that abuse this freedom and apply their dress codes unequally, such as letting white people in with tennis shoes, but insisting black customers wear leather dress shoes.
ETA: Such unequal application of dress codes is, of course, very much illegal.
As someone living in New Zealand this is so refreshing. Bare feet in supermarkets and malls are a common occurrence here. And not just kids. Weirded me out when I first moved here!
Eh, depends on context.
Getting an icecream from Cafe Eis in Oriental Bay in mid January? FREE TEH FEETZ
Getting some fresh bread and cheese from Moore Wilson’s in late August? Put your damn shoes on.
Edit: that said, I did see someone walking to work(?) yesterday morning in impressively shitty weather, barefoot. Respect.
can everybody please just stop shooting each other
It’s assuming anti-mask are able to read and understand the concept of reciprocity.
the cheat code is to add a fake HTML tag like <this is a sentence>
it gets the post through the filter but doesn’t show up on the page
Definitely on point. Welcome aboard @DamianHart!
This was actually studied in the veterinary world. Because we’re not “real doctors” in the eyes of the general public, vets and staff often get treated as poorly as everyone else who has a customer facing/retail job. Stress, burnout, and suicide are hugely disproportionate for the industry.
If I remember correctly, the study showed that roughly80-90% of your income comes from ~10% of your clientele. And these tend to be the dedicated “nice” clients that everyone loves. The vast majority of clients are decent, but don’t contribute the lion’s share of the income. And then there’s the abusive and stress inducing entitled a-holes. As it turns out, some small fraction of income (single digit) was attributed to these people, and they consumed a disproportionate share of staff time and mental resources.
Lesson: Even from a purely greedy capitalistic point of view, the customer is not always right, and it doesn’t pay to cater to assholes.
And then there’s this adult in a real job getting away with 100% barefootedness. In Wellington.
I would add a like, but it’s at 69, so…
Probably as much an EQ test.
…unless its a protected class…you can’t exclude based on race, for example.
I suspect most no-makers are either willfully ignorant or just not smart enough to understand
Look Mark, I respect your commitment to the maker community, but this is going a bit far.
Sorry, it was sarcastic. I should have added the /s.