I Michigan muthafuckers. I also would be wholly unsurprised to find this sign hanging in my local party store.
Ha! I think that’s who I saw the other morning.
Also; “getting away with”? I’ve found that the public service is astonishingly tolerant of diversity of all forms.
My religion requires me to throw people out if their religious beliefs offend me.
Not acting like assholes? Oh I think this is not really possible for some people. Even if when they think they are behaving themselves, they’re covertly recording themselves to prove to everyone just how great they are.
Someone should make a new version.
Between “NO SHOES,” and “NO SERVICE.” there would be, “NO MASK,”
Maybe put “NO MASK” first.
Haha you’re probably right.
Also looking at what I wrote it comes across as a lot more judgemental than I intended. I’m more amazed than disapproving.
No state health code requires customers to wear shoes. https://www.barefooters.org/health-codes-and-osha/
Nor is liability a real concern. See the above link.
That said, businesses have a right to toss me for going barefoot. Though, I’ve found, that when confronted, simply saying that the health code does not say that, would they like me to leave due purely to their own policy causes much confusion and consternation.
Provided it doesn’t violate anti discrimination laws.
You obviously haven’t read the entire thread. I commented further down on the thread that it was likely a combination of Cal-OSHA and business insurance coverage that kicked in about the same time.
Cal-OSHA regulates the type of footwear employees are allowed to wear at work. (I worked at a coffee house in mid-1990s and open toes could get the place cited.) Also, I added that I do have a vague recollection that insurance companies required businesses to enforce a shoe policy in the very early 1970s as a response to customer lawsuits. I think this is why this suddenly happened in my small, non-hippie, agricultural home town.
There are some retail and restaurants in CA beach cities that still allow bare feet, but I’m guessing that their insurance providers will not cover a lawsuit if someone cuts their feet while going shoeless inside their establishment. If you want your insurance to cover accidents you have to show that you’ve done your due diligence.
Weird how not once in this thread have any of the contrary folks seemed to consider the non-legal reasons not to encourage bare feet in public; like good hygiene.
Hookworm and Athletes Foot exist, as do opportunistic parasites like ticks.
I used to see a sign at a truck stop (on a route we no longer take, having moved, so it could still be there):
But I always managed to slip in without a pet anyway, and they always served me, so go figure.
The stuff I overhear people saying about masks/covid.
“It’s no worse than the flu”
“It’s a man made virus”
“It’s Bill Gates’ virus”
“The virus is a liberal conspiracy”
“Masks are a liberal conspiracy”
“can’t breathe in a mask”
“Masks make you sick”
and on and on.
Every one of these is illogical and easily ruled out if someone is willing to look at the evidence and think about it.
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