Sarah Huckabee Sanders: “At some points Democrats have to decide whether they love this country more than they hate this president.”


Oh, to be young and innocent back in 1978, with Trump only in NYC then and limited to his shenanigans there…

… f**k! That’s where I lived back then!!!


This Administration is full of the greatest internet trolls of all time.

I sometimes wonder if they think up ridiculous things to say simply because they have the power to say them.

Obviously, it’s a shell game.


Always was, always will be.


The past is a lie.


I don’t hate the President. I don’t really hate anyone. I hate coconut and brussel sprouts, and that’s about it. I definitely love my country, and therefore feel obligated to oppose Trump because I’m quite certain the only thing he loves is himself.


if you’re reacting you’re not responding. That’s the jig.


I regret that I have but one Like to give.


Roger that.

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It’s a zero sum game; Trump reserves 90% of his love for himself, then divides up the other 10% among those he chooses to favor. Ivanka gets 3%, Melania gets 0.3%, etc. God and country don’t even get onto the list.


Sarah–The epitome of lipstick on a pig.

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it’s facism clear and simple.

take people’s love of home, equate that with a strong man ( air quotes cause of whom we’re talking about ), and brand anyone who doesn’t love the strong man as a traitor to the country.

you’re either with us or you’re against us.

important to note tho. 45 and co are only taking advantage of the path that was provided to them. it’s like his daddy’s riches. except instead of his daddy, it’s the republican establishment.


You had the opportunity to take the Shot, and you didn’t take it? That’s a harsh burden to have to carry.

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Jeez! Coconut and Brussel Sprouts? What hellish culinary abomination is this?

Cool in a vaguely GO HAWGS kind of way, with a steaming heap of irony and angst.


Well, I meant that I hate each, individually. But yeah, if there is any dish that combines those two, I hope to never see or smell it.

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The republicans decided much earlier into Obama’s presidency, it really only took them a few seconds…they love money more than country state and family.

Yeah, they don’t hesitate to sling hard with full hypocrisy the opposite of whatever shit they were slinging just a moment before. they are the moral equivalent of windsocks and will backfill whatever half ass logic is needed to justify their position de’jour. wherever the greed and money blow and you can sell out a few of your fellow humans for a quick buck, you’ll find them there.

that’s why “alternative facts” and “fake news” are such easy new ways to brush aside their behavior for anyone who isn’t a thinker.

Memory of an elephant they have not. They only way they are similar to elephants is how much shit they are full of.


Well, humanity is certainly a species with wide and varied tastes.

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