Sarah Palin to interview Donald Trump

Yuckity sex is precisely what I witnessed in that ridiculous vid. A stream of softballs and compliments like that sure isn’t much of an actual interview.


stream of softballs! That sounds like very yuckity sex indeed.


Poor Palin probably still could not answer questions were they given to her ahead of time. Even if she had the opportunity to google every media question in advance the internet would lead her straight to the same nutbar answers she provides un-coached.

I imagine most halfway competent conspiracy theorists could easily make whatever they believe into what she believes in just a single conversation.


“Truth Talker?”

“Failed Hair Whisperer” would be a better caption there.


The quote, Mrs. Palin, actually, is “It’s the economy, stupid…”. Is the word “stupid” too much for Real Americans ( :tm: )?

Humility. They’re humble, undercurrent problem b/c vets don’t complain. Now she says he “schooled” someone… :hand:

Just stop right there. That’s enough for me. I’m amazed 1) she was a governer, 2) she’s had children who are having children, 3) anyone could think she is capable of governing the country. The mind boggles. And the same goes for Knuckledragger, too, except for #1.

And having watched that video, I’m thinking Trump will sew up the narcissistic sociopath vote.


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