School board member blames "Holy Spirit" for making her share a Nazi meme

I went to Red Deer college for awhile in the early 90s. This tracks.


plenty of christians might want to contest her conception of the holy spirit-- it might damage the brand if people confused christianity with naziism.


In 2025, Jesus arrives in New York and approaches an barista who’s just finished a long shift.
“Jammy Wilson,” he says. The barista looks at Jesus, “Huh? No, it’s Jamie.”
“I know my son, forgive me. I couldn’t resist a little coffee shop humour. I, Jesus Christ have returned, and have chosen you as the first apostle of my second coming.” The barista gives Jesus a sceptical side-eye, and goes to walk off. Jesus asks him to wait, displaying one wrist palm out. “Behold, the stigmata from where I was nailed to the cross.”
He lifts his shirt to show a broad scar on his abdomen. “And here is where the centurion drove his spear into my side.”
Jamie looks from the scars to Jesus’ face in wonder “Okay, okay. Wow… so, ah, what’s with that big mark on one side of your face?”
“That,” Jesus sighs. “Is the tyre-mark from when Monique LaGrange threw me under the fucking bus last August.”




I preferred God’s previous gig.


In her defense, it doesn’t seem like she was promoting Nazi-ism, just using it as an example of negative brainwashing. So it seems to me you can dislike her for being anti-lgbq but not for being pro-nazi.

It comes under the Holocaust denial umbrella.

And yes, I know abour Ernst Rohm. It didn’t end well for him.


There was no Rohm in the party for him after the night of long knives. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer nastier bloke.



For a detailed version with citatons see @the_borderer 's post above.


In addition to what @the_borderer notes, this is similar to racists who leap at an opportunity to use the n-word and then claim that anyone taking offense is “ignoring context”. It’s still bad faith.

The “tell” here is that she chose a comparison with Nazis instead of a traditional enemy of conservatives such as Maoist or Stalinist Young Pioneers.


Maybe not, I don’t know her mind. But at the most generous interpretation, she’s equating acceptance and support of the LGBTQ+ community, as in not trying to kill them, with fucking NAZIism.
It’s pretty telling what people like her think counts as brainwashing. Teach climate science? You’re brainwashing the kids. Basically, teaching any form of environmental science, inclusive history, human biological sciences, and so on, are seen as brainwashing because they might lead the kids to form ideas and opinions people like her don’t like.
She’s an asshole.


Maybe, but honestly, where ever white people exist, especially in a settler colony like the US or Canada, you’re gonna get this kind of racism hanging on, because the countries in question were certainly built around that concept…


“…blames Holy Spirit…”
There’s the problem: She didn’t blame, she credited the Holy Spirit.
She knows with all her heart that she’s on the side of God and that her actions are righteous.


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