School brings in cops to teach during COVID-19 staffing shortage

Same here, it was really fast and impressive. No student went without even one school lunch because they set it up preemptively. Everyone got laptops or tablets and those who needed them got hot spots (if broad band wasn’t available in the area) or broadband.
The thing we’re facing now is a shortage of bus drivers, but that was an issue pre-pandemic for other (totally avoidable) reasons.
If Dems went low as often as the former guy, they could easily campaign on the differences in kids’ situations based on the party of state leadership.


This seems like a very Texas-y thing to do, and I can see the state doing it, especially starting in Austin. I’ll have to look out for this kind of development.

Also, I am yet again struck by the hypocrisy of the GOP claiming that “big government is bad” yet clearly wanting control of the voting process, of women’s uteruses, of public education and school boards, of selective enforcement of environmental laws, etc.

ETA: clarifier


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