Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/10/20/scientists-discover-new-gland-in-humans-heads.html
Shoot. I was hoping for latent drug glands.
Is it really new, though?
I hope the discovery contributes to new treatments for allergy, postnasal drip, or LPR sufferers since so much of those involve the nasopharynx.
It’s always in the last place you look.
Came to post this. Well done!
Me too, as I suffer from something like that myself!
Should we trust the anatomy claims of researchers who may or may not think the prostrate is in the cranium?
Maybe that’s where the soul resides! Check it for funkiness.
think the prostrate
Heh, you knocked me to the floor, face down!
I think of it as NOS (New Old Stock).
A salivary gland inside the human brain is god’s gift to zombies. It’s called “pre-digestion.”
I blame mutant brain worms, possibly caught from the cats that domesticated humans.
I’m still not sure the Scientist will get it.
What can I say, I’m prone to to being kind of stiff, but I did get it
Sneks make venom in modified salivary glands, so maybe this is a beginning for hoomans.
It’s wild to me that there is undiscovered organs in the human body.
We have literally sliced bodies into paper-thin segments and photographed each one to create a layer-by-layer map of the human anatomy, as well as countless autopsies and X-rayed images.