SCOTUS rules Donald Trump financial records must be released to NY DA, but House won't get tax returns before election

Perhaps, but if being a philandering, rapist crook with 11 bankruptcies and literally zero actual business success didn’t do the trick I don’t see how “he doesn’t give to charity” would shift anyone’s opinion. His support is an uncomfortable marriage of convenience. The people who voted for him abandoned any sense of moral conviction (yeah, right!) they had to get their selfish aims met. Only when their parents started coughing themselves to death and their pensions shriveled did we see any substantial movement in support whatsoever.

You’re right, though; we don’t know what the outcome is going to be and I am deathly afraid of Biden and the DNC assuming it’s in the bag and abandoning progressives and POC wholesale.


The Mazars ruling has nothing to do with taxes.

Agreed. Now if we can get one to rein in the massive executive overreach of the last 20+ years, we may actually achieve something like a democracy.

Oh, and add proportional senate representation, DC & PR statehood and abolition of the electoral college and political redistricting.

I doubt Turnp’s tax returns contain any bombshells in themselves. If you’re doing something criminal, it’s not like you explicitly put that on the “crime income” section of your return. I’m sure they’re part of a paper trail that ultimately shows him to be guilty as sin, but until he’s sentenced, there won’t be any one document that will suddenly change his supporters’ minds.

What everyone can see, though, is that he promised to release his tax returns, then fought all the way to the Supreme Court to keep his tax returns secret (and lost). That tells a story all on its own, unless you’re deliberately ignoring it.


Sort of? Mostly Trump just doesn’t understand how the court, or in fact other people work. He defines people as pro-Trump or anti-Trump with no independence of their own. Kavanaugh is a conservative judge who gives a lot of conservative decisions and will probably favor conservative politicians more often than not. But a ruling affirming state sovereignty and the rule of law applying to everyone is not exactly a liberal cause. Expecting him to always side with Trump regardless of the issue is not realistic.


Interesting. But we are both wrong. It does involve taxes, but not directly from the IRS.

Congress could still argue that they are seeking the same documents that the IRS is required, but refusing, to provide. That the Administrative Branch is not losing any privilege they haven’t already ceded.

Alito and Thomas have no problem with monarchs—as long as they’re Republican monarchs. It’s as principled a stance as I’ve ever seen.


The scuttlebutt is that both have been considering retirement, which–frankly–would be an unmitigated disaster, since if it happens it will likely happen this summer.

Having two conservative seats open on the Supreme Court will radically change the tenor of this election.


I hope they’re keeping an eye on the coastline near Mar-a-Lago, in case he attempts to flee. I suspect that’s why he moved to FL and keeps calling that place the “Southern White House.”


I’d say it very much is. It just happens to also be a (small c) conservative one.


Sooo … they get everything afterall then?


More fodder for another Lincoln Project “Biden - He’s not a whiny bitch” ad.

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A beautyfull dream, but I will start celebrating when OB actually moves from the White House to the Big House.
We are not there yet.

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They’re well aware they lose in a landslide without progressives and POC.


I don’t get why the tax returns can’t be released to the House Intel Committee under secure means. Another trip down to the SCIF.

If these tax returns are proof he’s guilty, the public must see it. Funking must!

I’ll read it later. Or wait for the summary, because IANAL. Just had to vent.

Without PoC, absolutely. In many parts of the US, the Democratic party establishment is mostly or entirely PoC. And while he’s not perfect, Biden’s been a political ally of African-Americans for decades; that’s why he got such an overwhelming support from them in many primaries. He’s not going to abandon them.

With progressives, it depends on what you mean by that label. The left wing of the Democratic party? Yeah, absolutely vital for success, and not going to be abandoned by anyone in charge of the Democrats today. The Very Online Leftists who think Bernie Sanders was barely acceptably left and there is little meaningful difference between the Democrats and the Republicans? They’re going to be marginalized, because they are marginal, with neither the numbers or influence to matter. The people in between? That’s going to depend a lot on many different things, and it’s going to be hard to predict how much, or little, attention they will receive and how much influence they will have.

As long as President Biden’s first act is to order the passports of the members of the Trump syndicate cancelled (so they can’t fly off to Russia or someplace else without an extradition treaty like Saudi Arabia) and/or their bank accounts frozen the arrest can take a little while.


I wish history bore that out. I know that they think they do, but those communities seem to have a different take on the matter.

One of the reason incoming U.S. Presidents are loathe to hold their predecessors accountable for their crimes is that they don’t want to create a precedent in which they might one day be held accountable for the crimes (real or imagined) that happen on THEIR watch.

If Trump is ever held legally accountable any of his many crimes I expect Biden will try to distance himself from the proceedings as thoroughly as possible.