SCOTUS Shenanigans Watch

True and well-spotted.

As we are noting dramatically different existing conditions, FDR and those Dems did not have to contend with the pervasive dominance of news/public/social media saturation praising and encouraging bad-faith action. I regard that media saturation as the ideal turnkey operation to get even turkeys to vote for their own Thanksgiving dinner, given enough time to insert effective actors (or agents) into that system (as well as in government, of course).

I realize that 1980 is not 1930.
I am arguing that now-historical facts like Cambridge Analytica…

… and its ilk…

See also

… including manipulation of U.S. voter behavior–as well as government officials’ behavior–have resulted in the highly effective polarization of the U.S., making White Christian Dominionism a de facto agenda; destroying rule of law, democratic norms, and public safety, including mysteriously copious foreign funding of the NRA.

Too late to shove all the bad stuff back into the box.
What to do… what to do…

Back on topic.
Having SCOTUS nominees prevaricate their way through their confirmation process by saying something is settled law, then overturning that law as a sitting SCOTUS justice, is a red flag.

A buncha red flags.
A hectare of red flags.

I get it that not all SCOTUS justices are/were angels:

To name but a few:


But getting an esteemed seat as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice on the highest high bench, the last possible stop on the long road toward justice and accountability, ought to count for something. Oh how wrong I was to believe so.

The party is just starting.
Buckle up, y’all.
In the world of the “Originalist Constitutionalist” oh lookit they rebranded…

… women’s right to vote is not protected, along with a lot of other rights we heretofore enjoyed.

Use it or lose it.

added links