SCOTUS Shenanigans Watch


I don’t envy her having to deal with those 6 assholes for most of her life


Get w…

Oh fk it.




Graham, who has already voted twice to confirm Jackson to the federal bench, devoted much of his Q&A session on Tuesday to both airing a host of conservative grievances and seemingly finding any reason to justify not voting to place Jackson on the Supreme Court.

What an enormous grandstanding dick.


So shrill, too…


Well this is disappointing on Jackson’s part.

GOP Sen. Ted Cruz pressed Judge Ketjani Brown Jackson on her opinions on critical race theory, referring to a speech she gave at the University of Michigan in 2020 where she mentioned Nikole Hannah-Jones’ 1619 Project.

Jackson responded, “It doesn’t come up in my work as It’s never something that I have studied or relied on, and it wouldn’t be something that I would rely on if I was on the Supreme Court.”

Cruz continued to press Jackson on the subject and whether it should be taught to young children in schools.

The GOP senator grilled Jackson on books about racism and critical race theory that are available at Georgetown Day School, an institution that she’s a board member of. Jackson said that she was not aware of the books Cruz had mentioned and maintained that the subject is not something she would use as a Supreme Court justice or something that has been relevant to her as a judge.

“Senator, I have not reviewed any of those books, any of those ideas. They don’t come up in my work as a judge, which I am, respectfully, here, to address,” she said.

From CNN’s live blog thingie.

I find Jackson’s claims that she hasn’t read CWR unbelievable – it’s well-established, influential legal theory!

She may be doing so as a political gambit, maybe to deny the GOP a chance to tie her to their CWS shibboleth. But even then, I would think that to assert in these hearings that she has studied it, and here’s what it is and why it’s actually insightful and valuable, would be a good way of directly blowing back at the bs case the GOP has been building against that which it knows and cares next to nothing about, Critical Race Theory. Sure, Faux News could chop that up into “damning” sound bytes, but whatever, their viewers are already convinced she’s going to rule against white people in any way she can.

On the other hand, if Jackson really does know nothing about it, let alone isn’t guided at all by its insights about structural racism, that would be disappointing too.


This came across my FB feed and made me chuckle.


I was listening to that part of the questioning live, and I think you might misunderstand what specific books were being referred to in that partially quoted exchange. When she said “Senator, I have not reviewed any of those books, any of those ideas. They don’t come up in my work as a judge, which I am, respectfully, here, to address” she was responding to Cruz asking about specific books that the Georgetown day school (a private elementary school) uses with its education of young kids.

And it goes without saying but I’ll do so anyway: Cruz was being a disingenuous ass.


As committee chair, perhaps it’s within Durbin’s purview not to let Graham back in? :crossed_fingers: Presumably Graham has no need to return to the hearings anyway, since he’s clearly made up his mind about the nominee.


Thanks, I was indeed only going by the “journalism” I quoted above.

I hope it is indeed the case that she was referring to Dipshit’s display books, rather than to actual Critical Race Theory.

Since CRT has been such a hot button GOP issue, it’ll be interesting to see how they try to bring it up again (if they do – maybe they realize their claims about what it is are bs, and that she can easily show that in about a minute or so).


As a reminder what is at stake: At least one GOP Senator, no longer content with a court that would end abortion rights by overturning Roe v. Wade, is now publicly stating that SCOTUS made the wrong call when they legalized interracial marriage with Loving v. Virginia.


Should it be left to the States whether some Senators should be caned on the floor of the Senate?




Have some coke from Philly?


Or, she’s too old to have been exposed to it in law school – which as you know is where it’s taught – and as a highly educated and sensible person would not presume that hearing about it in the news or knowing many aspects of it from studying history or being a Black person in the U.S. is the same thing as studying it formally.


That would be my senator. I’ve had quite a few attempts at discussion, but he’s a total piece of work so I never get anywhere.

But I salivate at the idea that Clarence Thomas – who never recuses himself for any other case, and thus probably wouldn’t in this case either – will listen to arguments nullifying his own marriage.


That seems unlikely since CRT has been discussed in law schools since the 1970s and Jackson completed her law degree at Harvard in 1996. I think @Otherbrother is probably right that she just meant she hadn’t read any of the specific elementary school books that Cruz was grilling her about rather than that she was wholly unfamiliar with the concept of Critical Race Theory.