SCOTUS Shenanigans Watch

jeezus, when is Abbott going to deputize meal team six and start rounding them up? have they started building concentration camps yet?


I can’t for the life of me fathom how or why any self respecting business remains in that wasteland of bigotry and hate that is Texas.


Our district solved this by posting the link to the website they use for the weekly rundown in each forum. It is a bit annoying to get a text and an email but eh. At least I don’t need a damned Facebook account. Urgent messages are easier to make uniform. Though I think they have trouble translating those into the usual 4 languages. They tend to be English and Spanish only.

This is absolutely true for way too many public officials/government entities


soon. ■■■■■ and abbott certainly are planning to. and they’ve started building the military base in eagle pass that will precede the first one


it’s difficult right? the gop - white, religious reactionaries - have power; but they’re not the majority of people there. and all of these anti immigrant actions are intended as a way to cling on to, and further leverage, their power.

when should people give up and concede texas to the fascists who want to own it? maybe not everyone is willing to give up or give in yet.


I’ve said this before, but for the love of all that is holy… Georgia did this experiment over a decade ago and it was a disaster. Whether we want to admit it or not, we as a country are utterly dependent on immigrant labor, and if they succeed in eliminating it, the consequences will be dire.


Sounds like the child will be far better off as a result. Those parents, wow.


The state did the right thing. These parents clearly regard their child as property to do with and “raise” as they see fit, regardless of how harmful the environment they create might be to their child. The parents do not care about the child’s beliefs, desires or even their well being.

May the parents live long enough to regret abusing and estranging their only child. May the now-adult youth find their path in life free from the bigotry and cruelty they were subjected to as a minor.


“due to developing conflicts between parents and their children concerning gender identity.”

This was a 16 year old. She was perfectly capable of recognizing her own gender. This conflict amounts to “I can do as a please with my property.” “My child” is not equivalent to “my shovel.” These are not equivalent statements. To insist that a sentient being submit their very most intimate identity to your whims is incredible.


Never is good. It’s not the land we would be abandoning that’s the problem; it’s the people.


People shouldn’t but businesses should start leaving to put pressure on Texas officials. Money moves people to change.

It seems weird to me that an appeals court could say “not so fast US Supreme Court…”?

Especially with all the other contradictory (seeming) decisions lately…is this an option in other cases (cough cough von clownstick).

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Earlier on Tuesday, the Supreme Court allowed the measure to take effect while a lower federal appeals court weighed its legality

they weren’t ruling on it’s legality, they were ruling on the stay of a lower court.

( eta: the majority was showing their inclination on the law by lifting the stay tho :confused: )


I think the Supremes kicked it back down to the other court to decide. It got appealed to the SC over the other court for an immediate stay as an emergency. I guess the lower court decided it could move quickly.


The actions of the fascists make it easy to forget how many Democratic voters there are in the state; Texas is closer to flipping blue today than it has been in at least a generation.

Even if that wasn’t the case, it is never the right call to cede any part of the country to bigotry. It would have been the wrong move in 1861 and it would still be the wrong move today.


And for better or worse The Powers That Be here are fighting dirtier and dirtier and dirtier just to stay in power. It’s a measure of their desperation. It’s not hard to see if you know what to look for. Still, a lot of us who voted for Beto have had a long think about what all went wrong, which was a lot because yeah we are up against a lot [duh]:

In Texas, this is a feature, not a bug. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton campaigns on this “everyday I wake up and find another way to sue the federal government” (sorry I can’t source this quote, he really did say something very close to this) Texas-Pride® branding:

We are just recovering from SXSW 2024, a huge moneymaker for Austin and Texas. This year, it’s been in the news that businesses (bands and musicians) have very publicly put pressure on the event and organizers:

Of course, Gubner Abbott and his cronies are eatin’ up all this free publicity with a spoon. Couldn’t be happier to have such a timely platform to further praise the U.S. Army. Which is funny, in a way, because as we Texans have been told repeatedly, federal-anything = bad.


Yep. They sure have.



Medhi Hasan makes a strategic argument.
I get it.
This is bitter medicine, and hard for many of us to swallow. Hasan admits as much.

Still, I appreciate the words he is saying, and why.


I’m going to respectfully disagree with Hasan. I get his argument, too, and I absolutely thought RBG should have retired while Obama was still in office, and I joined the chorus of damn near everyone in wanting Breyer to retire when Biden took office. Here’s why I disagree now. First of all, Sotomayor and KBJ are the only two members of the Court who are even close to actually being progressive. I like Kagan a lot, but she’s still pretty pro-corporate and pro-police on cases involving those issues. As Hasan himself points out, if she retires now, the only chance of getting a replacement confirmed is to nominate someone like Merrick Garland. I’m starting to think we may have dodged a bullet that the Senate didn’t even confirm him. He’s clearly an institutionalist who is reluctant to rock the boat. I don’t want someone like that on the bench. Second, we keep hearing this drumbeat from the mainstream media that “Joe Biden [is] trailing Trump in several swing states and Democrats [are] also in danger of losing their razor-thin majority in the Senate.” I’m not sure I believe it. Actually, I’m sure I don’t. A Democrat just won a special election for the state legislature in Alabama. Alabama. Second, if Trump does win, we’re going to have a whole lot more to worry about than just the Supreme Court. Our focus needs to be 100% on making sure Joe Biden wins. And I think he will. And when he does, then Sotomayor can retire. And lastly, if Trump wins, Sotomayor will be irrelevant, because Thomas and Alito will both likely retire in the first year of a new Trump term, and be replaced by God knows what right wing garbage. Maybe even someone like Aileen Cannon. Whether or not Biden got to replace Sotomayor with someone will then be irrelevant.