Screaming man threatens shoppers at Florida Costco

ETA: on second thought, maybe this one:


I’m shocked that someone with this, um, gentleman’s aptitude for rational risk assessment might not be considered a good fit in insurance.


If the world refuses to go ahead and make your day(obviously your birthright as the action hero of the psychodrama inside your head); you just have to make it make your day.

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I don’t think I’ll be buying that soundtrack albulm.


I suspect that it is very, very, much best avoided.

In that vein, I’m more than a bit concerned about the family he mentioned having in the video; and the woman fruitlessly repeating “Dan, Dan…”

Someone this calm and emotionally well regulated isn’t terribly heartening as a potential perpetration of intimate partner violence even on a good day; and this one is definitely not having a good day at this point, for reasons he seems unlikely to see as cause for sober self-reflection; rather than a monstrous injustice against him. That has the potential to end very poorly.


… in the US. Here in Canada, where masks are now mandatory in a lot of cities, everyone in Costco was wearing them with no issue. Can’t imagine why our death rate has been steadily dropping.


Let’s not get smug.


He’s got the same clenched double fist posture as the guy who was yelling at the girl hold the sign.

In both cases they made me think of this:




New shirt:
Running the world
July 1776-July 2020.


Keep a detailed journal. This can have a significant impact on the outcome. Dates, incidents and details of your performance reviews other than this issue. It’s harder not to get fired in an At Will state like California (you can get fired without cause) but you’d still probably have recourse here. I suggest bringing up the policy and lack of adherence with your boss, then with HR and ask for clarification in writing, but you may wish to seek advice on that from an employment law expert. There may be some pro bono resource where you live. If the write-up has any lack of clarity (and I suspect it does), that’s a point on which to seek clarification. Do they have HR, or counsel or your immediate boss do the write up? Did they interview you about what they heard and ask for your perspective prior to writing you up? Or had you initiated the complaint and then were written up? All of these details could have important repercussions in your favor later on.


Fortunately my girlfriend’s father is a lawyer who specializes in Union benefits. I’ve already consulted with him for over an hour in person about the whole thing and without mentioning his firm I had to bring up the fact that I spoke with the lawyer in person for over an hour before my employer started to take my concerns seriously.

I have a video record at this point of what they are doing each day and it’s basically bare fucking minimum.

They put some tape on the ground saying people cannot enter my area of the department and have done nothing else. If they had just enforced their own mask policy it never would have come to this.

To be perfectly honest I would love to start a lawsuit and sue these people into oblivion but I don’t feel like there is enough actual malice despite plenty of management creating it to succeed.

I was able to ignore the reality of trump to some degree when I came to work but these people all love him and now the life-and-death situation of the mask issue and constant jokes of I can’t breathe from the employees here have basically made this a personal hell that I don’t know how to escape from. If I quit I have almost no savings and I would see the same thing in any other machine shop in Western PA.

I have no more hope and I’m desperately trying to figure out how to leave this field permanently and still feed myself.

So when people say I don’t understand how bad others have it trust me Trump’s reality in America has made my life a living hell personally in ways I can’t even expound upon


That was so funny. :joy: (She was spot on.)


“I feel threatened” is in his family crest?

/thinks back of all the Scottish clans and heraldry books I’ve looked through.

Um. Okay.


Did you catch the names of their children? (hint, hint)


Okay I gritted my teeth, girded my loins and watched it all. She was joking, but I’m sure that some searching would find a similar video that was serious. :roll_eyes:


Don’t feel too bad, when I saw this a little earlier today I wasn’t sure if it was serious or not. So I googled her and wasn’t exactly surprised to learn she’s an ATL-based comedian. LOL I didn’t catch the kids’ names the first time haha!

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It’s been pointed out that mask-deniers are often also antivaxxers (i.e. vaccine deniers).

And if they have to make up **** like “Authorized Mask Exemption Card” to enforce their own false beliefs, what ELSE are they willing to do?


This is a bummer. I feel for you.

A friend once learned from another manager, “you can’t fire stupid.”

Nothing you can do about the politics. In my last company filled with lefties I felt bad for those who had other political beliefs having to endure our constant chatter.

The I can’t breathe jokes will hopefully fade - I don’t see them aging well.

There’s a whole lot to be said for holding onto the job you have right now.