“Pull the strings!” -Bela Lugosi
As a Brit, I can entirely empathise with that. (Although we’re still trying our best to keep ahead of you, in that at least you have a vaguely coherent trade deal with your biggest neighbours, whereas we’re trying our absolute best to sabotage the one that we don’t yet have with ours…)
A Tale of Two Shitties.
(But yeah, there’s more than two of the fuckers.)
Uhm, I’m pretty sure the US can’t just “give” to China an international organisations that belongs to literally every country on earth.
If they did kick the UN out of New York there would be dozens of countries that would want to host it instead and I don’t think China would prevail.
I can see London putting in a bid, as an attempt by HMG to cling on to some global relevance lost in large parts due to Brexit. I can see some of the EU’s southern capitals (Rome, Madrid, Athens) making a good case that it would help in recovery and that they have been overlooked in previous allocations of international organisation HQs. If a pivot to the Pacific is to be acknowledged I can see Singapore, with its central hub location making a good argument. Cape Town or one of the South American capitals would have a good argument that the southern hemisphere has been neglected for too long.
In any case, for an American to think the UN is theirs to keep or give is the height of arrogance.
Yeah - I was confused as to what the fuckwit is on about. You can’t give away something you don’t own.
Does it mean let China be the location for the UN HQ, as opposed to New York?
hahadehadeharharharheheheheh !! oh , wait , was he serious ?? then i laugh all the heartier !! ahahoohohohohohohoh !!
Shouldnt that read, “Pool za strinks!”
Fintan O’toole much?
Any chance we could sell the statue of liberty? It should fetch a fair price, and I mean, it’s not like we’re using it anymore.
“We don’t have the money anymore”, coming from the richest nation on Earth.
Tough call, init?
I have a counter proposal- let’s give Hannity to Russia.
No backsies!
Do not buy in to Tom Cotton’s ‘hick rube’ schtick. He went to Harvard undergrad, then Harvard Law. He is, like [current occupant of the White House], a man of low cunning, but with a significantly higher IQ and therefore much more likely to be that much more dangerous.
Or more like he’s driven by ideology. [ETA: correction grammar]
came here to suggest exactly that, leaving happy.
Poor Hannity. What we call China’s debt is merely an amount of their trade surplus in a savings account at the Fed. When the securities mature, the money (interest and principal) moves from their savings account to a checking account. They have the money because we bought their stuff. China already has the money! Poor poor Hannity.
Perhaps - I can’t speak to his motivations - but my point is that one should not be taken in by his folksy affectations. He’s wearing a disguise.
These idiots don’t see that our involvement and funding of large international orgs contributes to our “soft power” and influence. You want China to grow even faster in power? Because that is how you do it.
Isolationism didn’t work back in the day, and won’t work now that the economy is global.