Sean Hannity says U.S. should give the U.N. to China, which Russia's Vladimir Putin also believes

That’s one example of the many international organizations hosted by Switzerland.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that the UN should actually be moved. Of course, when Hannity and his ilk talk about relocating the UN, they always mean the General Assembly in New York, because that would make it easier for the US to ignore and/or defund the organization.

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Yeah. The right has been wanting to do that for years now. But of course, the UN has functioned more often as a wing of American foreign policy that we ignore when they are being inconvenient more than it’s been a detriment to US foreign policy. The right just wants to scapegoat them.


The UN is a commie plot to undermine America!
FDR came up with it.
That’s even worse!


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