Secret recording of weeping children begging for their parents while a Border Patrol official mocks them

I listened to the whole recording, & wept. This is unbearable. Blessings on the person who recorded & released it.

What can we, the 60 (so far) commenters on this story, do as a group action?



In a way it’s true - because the Republicans sure as fuck aren’t going to do anything (as their total lack of support for the Democrat’s bill that would prevent this shows).

The problem is, I’m already filled with a white hot rage, even without listening to it (even before I read a description of it). I’m afraid I’ll combust if I hear it.

As a rule, I’m totally against DOXing people so the internet can send them hate messages and death threats. But in this case, with these guards, it seems completely appropriate.

Fuck yes. “Just following orders” is no excuse and they know that.

Taste of their own medicine and all that.

It is. It’s literally child abuse. These kids will be permanently damaged by this. Everyone involved would be in jail in a just country.


wonkette has some suggestions of groups to support and donate to, and some the commenters on the article give some links as well


Seriously, America. Trumps approval rating has gone up in his own party. Perhaps 45% of your country may see the video and gloat. Some of you are beginning to see yourselves as the rest of the world sees you.

Yes, the country is not the individual. The people in BoingBoing are not the people who need to be told this. But there is a lot of racism in the US, and a determined attempt to export it to the UK right now. Please fix it, before it fixes you. Thank you.


Many of us who are not People of Privilege were already well aware of our failings; thanks.

To be fair, there’s no need to “export it;” toxic nativism and attempts to enable fascism are already there, in surplus. Unless I’m mistaken, I do believe bigotry was one of the core reasons the Brexit debacle happened.


Oh, and also this…

I’m not reading that toxic, demoralizing shit; I already know the mentality we’re up against.

My mother knew it in the 60’s, and my grandparents knew it during Jim Crow. My ancestors knew it only too well during reconstruction and in slavery before that.

Evil only ever adjusts the outer-packaging; the rotted core never changes.


And those were some of the times when power condeded, because the demands of those they hold down got strong enough.

I’m finding the growing resistance in the U.S. these days (to not just Trump) heartening. (Though I’m not trying to say that others should too.) Something’s gotta give.




I understand that feeling completely, Cory. Several years ago when I read your story, When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth, reading about the baby dying felt like a kick in the gut. Hearing those kids crying, makes me imagine my own kids being in that group and it gives me a similar feeling.

The GOP then: “Think of the children!”

The GOP now: “Think of new ways to torture both the parents and the children!”

The GOP tomorrow?

I guess the key difference between then and now is whether or not they feel any human connection with the children in question. Based on their actions, and their deflections, this current crop of politicians do not.

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There was never racism in the UK, until Trump invented racism and exported it to the UK in the form of UKIP. There was never a thing called the British Empire, the most racist and violent institution in the world for decades if not centuries, and America was not created as an offshoot of British imperialism and white supremacy. Anti-racists in the UK can totally blame America for their problems, which are imported from across the Atlantic. This makes lots and lots of sense.


Given the people appointed to run them, ‘goon parks’ would be a fitting name for these internment camps–except that the phrase would no doubt be subverted by nationalists and xenophobes to denigrate its prisoners instead.

(Side note: I discovered Love at Goon Park when I was, coincidentally, living in Madison, Wisconsin. A fantastic read and one that stays with you for life.)


After yesterday’s release of the audio of children crying, I resolved to never visit the US again.

On seeing this, I change that from “never” to “when I can make a pilgrimage to this shrine”.


I can’t watch “slasher” films anymore after my twin daughters were born, even if children aren’t involved in the plot. Was never a huge fan, but I saw all the classics as a teen (Friday 13th, Halloween, etc.) since everyone else did. Wife too.

I also found I’d gained immense capacity for patience with anyone. And the ability to ignore crying babies on airplanes and such, whereas pre-daughters it as my biggest fear of flying. Something about emphasizing with both the child (like dogs only know how to bark, infants only voice is crying…) and the parents.


Thankfully, those pro-AntiChrist comments require FB login to read. No thanks!

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