They want to send a message to Americans that if you go to these events, if you are part of a political group, they’re going to throw you in prison for a long time. They want you scared."
Yes but they aren’t appraising the political situation from 20,000 feet. I think Anti-Fa is more spot on in its appraisal of fascists, but it isn’t perfect. Meanwhile, the right wing suffers paranoid nightmares of what Anti-Fa actually is.
I wouldn’t lose any sleep over Nazis being executed, and I don’t believe any of the “but that makes you just as bad as they are” nonsense. Nazis have dehumanized themselves, and it’s entirely based on their actions rather than race, sexuality, or any of the other things they target their victims for. They’re scum and the only place they belong is in the ground- and given their beliefs, that’d be a form of justified self defense for the rest of society.
However, I still oppose the death penalty because as bad as Nazis are, they’re not the only terrible people out there. The moment we start calling them less than human and advocating for their deaths, we open the door to people who will call anyone they don’t like a Nazi, falsely accuse innocents, and try to turn the system against their enemies for personal gain. While I’m all for punching Nazis and ruining their lives any way we can, government-condoned systematic violence against them seems far too ripe for abuse or repurposing against other groups. I’d much rather treat a Nazi with humane kindness (while still keeping them locked away from those they could hurt) than give other groups potential tools to hurt innocents just to ensure Nazis get the harshest possible punishment.
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