Self-style Facebook art critics review Mitch O'Connell's Times Square Trump billboard

Grammatical af.

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Which still leaves me wondering: why would a bunch of people with ostensibly Hispanic surnames be defending Herr Drumpf? ‘Brown’ people tend to be either ignored or despised by his party. Although there might be a point to the people of Mexico requesting the Rage Mango’s visage not be posted in their country.

I actually recognize a few of those names, as they shit talk in the comments of just about every Huffpost article on politics.


I think some of those names are Italian.


All I really want to know is if someone genuinely got him confused with Mitch McConnell.


Ah yes, the ectopic apostrophe. It’s a less common variant of the grocers apo’strophe, but still quite cromulent.


Does “nothing but copy-write plagiary” have any chance of becoming the “get a brain morans” of our time?


That sounds like something that an interventional linguist would be called in to remove through a keyhole elision before it has a chance to seriously imperil the patient.


Well I think it’s lovely.


You’d be surprised, then, if you spent any time in Texas. The number of people voting against their own self interests would amaze you. In total, about 18% of Hispanics went for Trump in 2016.


Seriously, video ads pop over every image?

I like the content but it’s too much to visit here anymore. I’ve bought from your store before but I’m done.


Cuban exiles might vote Republican though fear of anything vaguely resembling socialism. It’s sad that they still believe the propaganda that Marxism-Leninism is the only real socialism even after they have rejected M-L.

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Just added a whole new batch of art lovers feedback to the They Live billboard @


There’s only one person annoyed by the ads so far? It’s barely bearable when the content of the post is text, but this is all images.

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Don’t leave out “copy-write” from your list of poor spelling.

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The world is full of fools who will hurt themselves knowingly because they’re full of hate. They’re willing to make their lives and the lives of the own children worse as long as they think that someone they dislike is getting hurt even worse. That’s why you have all those farmers who voted for Il Douche. They can’t get their crops harvested because the hostility to migrants has scared away the workers they once used. They’re losing their shirts because of Cheetolini’s idiotic trade war. But still they support that jackass because they think he’s doing a good job of beating up on dark skinned people and welfare recipients and those Godless heathen women who want abortions. They say that love is stronger than hate? Not in the Wheat Belt it aint.


@simonize, thanks for pointing it out. Copy-write has been added to my post.
There’s a plethora of grade school grammar errors in the criticism. So glad I don’t use Facebook.

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Its’: belonging to the its

Also at least a couple who think he is Mexican…

…with a name like Mitch O’Connell :confused:

The Mexico references are in response to his first billboard in Mexico City.

Spell Czech own lee corrects words witch R miss spelt

Glad to see you here, by the way!

I, for one, think you’re a great artist…

…even if you are an unbelievably shitty Senator from Kentucky :wink:


Yeah, these were mostly the sort of using the wrong word cases that are reasons to not rely too heavily on spell check.
copywrite is a verb that means to write copy and copyright is a noun that means the right to make copies.

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I, for one, am easily confused by that.