Sen. Al Franken Accused of Forcibly Groping Radio Host Leeann Tweeden

It has been for a while.


Yeah consent is important in anything regarding sex (and other things).

But I don’t want to live in a world where everyone has to consent making a joke. Free speech?


Well, to be pedantic, at the time he was a middle-aged comedian, and he was there in that capacity. They were both there as entertainers; even if the joke was a bad (and distasteful) one, the environment was one in which you’d expect jokes to be made. Since the whole issue with this stems around crossing boundaries, I think the context is important since it shows how far he had to go to cross that boundary.


OH man, I am not sure “charm” is one of the strengths I would attribute to Clinton.

I agree with most of the rest of it though.


Maybe he shouldn’t have groped a woman. Is it so fucking hard to not grab someone else’s tit when they’re asleep and take a fucking pictures of it? Really?


It’s not that we don’t like Breitbart, it’s that we know it’s full of shit.


Silly, women aren’t REAL people! You can’t assault people whose bodily integrity don’t matter! /s


Looks like we have a naive fool who believes that the Bill Clinton era Democrats were left wing.

They weren’t even the left wing of capitalism.


Thank you! I mean, is this so fucking hard for some people to say?


Sexual assault is a crime. Unless you don’t think women are people.


Those stupid sluts, always lyin’ about sexual assault! /s


At the same time when an avalanche of accusations have been coming out against powerful men? No. I wish it had happened sooner, but it’s happening now and thank god.


When the problem is everywhere you can’t select where you take it seriously and where you don’t based on utility to yourself while pretending to care about doing something about the problem. So I’d turn your question around, would you only care if it was a means to getting rid of someone you don’t want in office? An excuse for your own excitement, maybe, but not a true justification as that would apply to everyone. People can, and most of the time have to, do what they think is right regardless of regret or sorrow at the consequences when they truly want to see those consequences enacted unilaterally.

In short, don’t threaten people with the burden of our corrupt political system when it suits you. We can all complain if we lose him as a senator, because he’s done a lot of good. That’s not erased, but if for instance the right is now coming forward with anything they can find and there IS something to find, the thing we absolutely cannot do is brush it off or else we play ourselves right into their hands. A more political view from me, but still the same sentiment. Hypocrisy is not useful politically right now.


I"m bothered by a lot of things about this in many different ways. Either we’ll end up with a slightly better crop of politicians or nothing will change because not enough people care. I’d be surprised if he actually is forced to resign, but if it happens it only makes it harder for the others we might want out. It sends a clear message. If you don’t make exceptions even for your own, it’s that much harder to argue with the point.

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We did do something about the problem. Franken apologized, and his victim accepted that apology.

If, based on some abstract emotional need for revenge, you think further punishment should be handed out, you’re certainly entitled to that view.

Having worked in Washington, Franken’s office was one of the few that was reasonable on issues close to many happy mutants hearts. I think you should think hard about whether a new Senator, who “respects women” while not supporting Net Neutrality for them to express their opinions, health care to protect their bodies, and clean air for their lungs would truly be a step forward.


You seem to have the idea that I personally can do or will do anything that gets Al Franken forced to resign. Why? Having worked in Washington you likely know that I cannot and will not. However, as much as I respect his work and appreciate the apology I can only try to influence people to see what else matters here. It also seems you think that I do not or have not thought about this. Of course, because if I did I’d agree with you, right? And I’d shut up. And I’d be out of here… oh well… it’s much more easy to get upset with me I guess than with anyone who matters. At what point did I say anything about wanting revenge? I think, oops no no I haven’t done that yet, my emotional screaming chamber of not-thought suspects you are assuming that about me at best. I’d prefer some one who respects women more than two quotes and thirteen letters contain, are you implying that’s the maximum amount possible, that it’s a dog whistle for fools only, or that it’s an annoyance to you more than anything? Perhaps I’m just LESS jaded than you, which I imagine if we actually compared lives would be surprising simply because it usually is. Even I can’t explain my tendency to look for the win in things that seem impossible to overcome. It’s literally the reason I’m alive, and I truly have no explanation for you. There just always seems to be something better that can be or could be. I’m sure it’s frustrating to those more accepting of the status quo.

Perhaps he’ll be fine and then what is the basis of our argument, that when push comes to shove and we had to sacrifice something for another thing that you and I would have different priorities? Is that really so surprising?.


Demonstrating Al Franken may have been an immature douche on the USO tour, but he handled a scandal in a way befitting a senator. Take the blame, take the punishment, and take control of the story thereafter. He kept it from ruining his career or letting the story grow.

If Roy Moore had admitted guilt, asked for forgiveness and done the Bible Thumper “tears of contrition” in public, Alabama would not be looking at the likelihood of a Democrat in the senat.


For a long time now, there’s been no kind of response, measured or not, to these kinds of accusations. Probably, no, I agree, he shouldn’t resign. But I don’t have that opinion because he’s one of mine, I have that opinion because of the circumstances of the case.

If AL Frankens predicament is qualitatively different from Roy Moores, then it should be possible to distinguish them by the facts that are publicly known, not on the partisan basis of their unrelated politics.


Beautifully said!

I’ve long suspected that when politicians can be ruined for consensual adult sex, it doesn’t help us select for virtuous politicians, it selects for politicians who are good at lying.


It may not be assault but it definitely constitutes harassment.