Sen. Kennedy scowls on Black woman in SCOTUS: nominee should know 'a law book from a J.Crew catalog'

That was exactly what I thought of too: it’s probably subconscious, but he’s referencing Michelle Obama’s praise for J. Crew clothing.


The difficulty with that surname is that it’s quite common among Irish-heritage Americans, so you’d be throwing a lot of probably innocent babies out with the bathwater.


to him I say look forward to seeing how you feel when there are 9


“Why, 9 justices all the same race and sex would be a travesty that’s never occurred in history!” would be the response of the distraught white male whose version of history is an engineered fiction to make white males feel oppressed.


“I want a nominee who’s going to rewrite the Constitution every day to advance a reactionary agenda,”


The first 101 justices (109 of 115 total) were all white men, so I think we’re due for more than 9 non-white men in a row.

snowflakes cry foul whenever anything doesn’t go 100% their way, no reason to bother listening at all


Not to defend this racist piece of shit, but I wish the Biden administration had skipped announcing “we’re going to nominate a Black woman” and just said who they’re nominating.

Some years ago, I was at lunch with coworkers when John said, “I want to date an Asian woman”. Tom replied, “What are you talking about? What Asian woman? Who?” John said, “Surprise me.”

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The last thing anyone needs to take seriously is a Republican bloviating about qualifications for SCOTUS.
Barrett having zero experience or known job skills in litigation whatsoever.
Kavanaugh being the corrupt drunken rapist compulsive gambler.


Fuck that. The Republicans will find any excuse to whine over any pick Biden has. Its not like they honestly care about “qualifications” here. No need to pretend they have anything of value to say here.


In the taxonomy of GQP villainy and cupidity, we have to concede Kennedy is no moron. Kennedy is a smart, calculating, cynical man. He knows exactly what buttons to push. (In this case, the racist button.)

Louie Gohmert: that is a true moron, whose “button-pushing” consists of banging his fists on the Play-Skool set while bibbed in his high-chair.


I certainly hope that he does get ousted, but in 2016 he won with a 20-point margin over his Democratic rival. There are a lot of Republican Senators who won by a narrower margin than that. Obviously I hope they all get trounced next time.



Yeah… your friend’s Asian fetish is not the same thing as Biden promising to help correct a historical wrong.


Sen. John Kennedy (R–acist)



Completely unrelated…

this made me think in the semi-near future we’ll be able to make a movie called “Dead Kennedys”, where these assholes come back to life as brain sucking zombies - eating brains and wanting to make America great again where everyone toes (TIL, it’s not tow) the line of the great government ('cause they’re brain-dead zombies see). Or something of the sort. Maybe a band of young whippersnappers would save the day.


True, but he ran for senate 3 times (once as a dem, twice as a republican) and beating Foster Cambell (who hadn’t held any office in 14 years) by <200,000 votes is by far his best showing. In 2016 he only got 25% of the jungle primary votes, and turnout for the runoff was pitiful. Any solid opponent should beat him


One might think this just opens the door for all the idiots to whine about how this is just “affirmative action” and “she’s just a token” and they didn’t pick someone who was actually qualified and pearl-clutching about identity politics and all that…thing is, they’d do it no matter what Biden announced beforehand.

Even now, in their moral confusion, they completely misunderstand why they get accused of racism (some of them at least understand that they don’t like being accused of it, but still seemingly have no idea why), and attempt to turn that around on liberals in relation to people like Thomas or Rice and say “you can’t deal with a Black person in this instance, you liberals are the real racists” completely missing that the criticism is not because of their skin color, but for their positions on issues.

It’s much the same on economic issues - the GQP is going to accuse even the most corporate of Democrats of being “communist”, so the Democratic Party should stop being so timid on those issues, as well…especially for positions that have majority support even among Republicans.


The only way to know we aren’t picking a justice for the wrong reason is to choose a White man.
(“Gift article”!)


Is there anything cringier than an old white dude using the word “woke”? Ugh.


then you added a racist anecdote on top so well done.