(Every Accusation Is A Confession)
(Every Accusation Is A Confession)
That makes more sense. Which, to be fair, isn’t MUCH more. But no one has EVER stopped that man from making a gaffe, so I don’t know what drugs these dipshits are taking.
He seems to have jumped to a conclusion that the president is physically controlled via some device, when the conservative media is saying someone is cutting off the live TV audio feed ‘to keep kooky old man Biden from embarrassing himself’ or something like that.
We’ve seen this before, with Obama there were multiple angles they would exaggerate and exploit, with Biden they’ve latched onto the “feeble old man” idea and read that into everything that happens.
Biden is only three years older than Donald Trump.
Whatever happened to direct govmint mind control? That’d be my first choice, not some button.
where is that George W Bush mystery bulge during a debate… ah here tis
egad 17 years ago now… circa 2004 BBC
every time one of these people on the right says “everyone’s talking about it” or “it’s been widely reported” i wish someone would demand they provide names.
i think he also could have asked to explain exactly what was meant. used the whole time asking for clarification on terms, and leave risch to do himself in
i imagine it’s really hard in the moment, especially when someone is asking such off the wall questions… really to even recognize what’s being asked and why
then again, i do wish our secretary of state was a little quicker on his feet
Is he in some sort of competition with Devin Nunes to be the least suitable person put on an Intelligence Committee?
It’s neck and neck and neck and neck and neck…
There were probably many conversations about doing this for tRump, so now they need to project.
Aaaaannd here’s the proof that Art Bell + Rush Limbaugh = today’s GOP
I don’t think it’s a good idea. Look what it’s done to Risch!
Or just slap them hard across the face
I’m pretty certain the Senator was also suggesting there’s someone cutting off the live TV feed, he was asking for the name of the individual in the White House who was responsible for pressing the figurative button.
The whole “wireless control” thing is an invention of the the BoingBoing article.
They also know full well that Biden had to overcome a stutter to become a public speaker. If you knew what to watch for during the Trump/Biden debates you can see Trump repeatedly try to interrupt or throw Biden off his game in ways that were likely intended to make Biden stumble over his words. Classic bully tactic.
Hopefully whoever’s in charge of his video/audio is made to understand to make sure this never happens again. There’s already two times now Fox has been able to run with “White House abruptly cuts Biden’s mic…” Regardless of the reality they need to get the optic under control. Especially when the man himself does stuff like this, knowing full well the oppo is trying to paint him as feebleminded -
Biden raised eyebrows last week when he told a crowd, “I‘m supposed to stop and walk out of the room” at a White House event following his prepared remarks.
It would be maybe 10. Or less.
From reading the transcript it sure sounded like he thinks it’s more than just audio feed-- " It has been widely reported that someone has the ability to cut off his sound and stop him from speaking." When the feed is cut off Biden continues speaking to the press there in the room with him. I grant that listening to the actual exchange he may not be alluding to a remote control on the president’s larynx.
But then, conservatives have gotten so removed from reality you can’t really blame the rest of us for assuming that’s what he meant.
His drive for hyperbole certainly muddied his actual message. I don’t know if there’s other technical glitches where his wireless mic went out or something or simply the idea that the video feed ending is the mechanism by which they cut his sounds to stop him from speaking.
Sure, but when there’s that many obvious delusions to choose from there’s no need to muddy your own message by deliberately misinterpreting someone’s words.
This. I listened to the damn thing before I posted, and it sounded to me from the clip like he was suggesting someone was literally controlling Biden’s speech. But, given further explanation, I understand that’s not what he meant. Still a stupid ass thing for them to rag on, but that’s the right-wing since Obama was elected… more than happy to pull any dumb bullshit out their asses they can spew on the air to undermine a Democratic president.
I mean, it’s not like any of us are huge Biden fans either. He’s a right-center moderate at BEST. He’s paid some lip service to progressive policies and nibbled around the edges of them, but I’ve yet to see much in the way of bringing the party to heel and getting shit done that would make him the devil worshiping baby eater the yellow journalist want to paint him as.