Originally published at: Senator James Risch is so kooky he thinks President Biden is controlled by someone with a wireless device | Boing Boing
As if Biden would have a wireless receiver, or even the necessary buses to hardwire one in post-hoc. My mans is old is what I’m saying.
Checks… Yes, he’s still on the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
I daresay that committee is insufficiently select.
I’m definitely afraid for Americans
Senate decorum blah blah blah. The only appropriate response: “I’m sorry Senator, but are you insane?”
Solving for multiple values of “intelligence”
And Boris picking up ideas. His mum just died apparently. He won’t give a shit
Ha ha ha, that’s RISCH!!!
And also, I’d like one of those devices.
Time to reread Interface by Stephen Bury (Neal Stephenson & J Frederic George).
Chip implanted in presidential candidate’s brain, not directly controlled but influenced by dials set by a focus group.
For reference the senator is probably referring to things like this. Which really, looks to me like a technical glitch or a staffer hitting the wrong button.
Of course the senator was so fixated on the suggestion that Biden’s communications were being directly managed that he forgot to clearly explain what he was talking about.
What are you smoking senator, and can I have some?
“Are you sure? It was widely reported. Hell, I just stated it three times, myself!”
Or intelligent.
With all due respect Mr Risch, you are a fucking moron.
This stuff is all over the right-wing media, even the relatively “sane” outlets like Fox News, the Daily Mail, the NY Post (sane relative to OANN and similar). So Risch’s audience (the MAGA base) knows exactly what he’s talking about.
Wait, what? The right thinks Biden is being wirelessly controlled? He’s a literal - not figurative - but a LITERAL puppet? Is that what they are claiming???
I… have no further words. What the fuck do we even SAY to that level of gas lighting bullshit??? Holy… just… fuck…
no, not literal. the claim is that Biden is being ‘cut off’ early as to not gaffe or show anger towards reporters when he goes off script.
This is the equivalent of sharing those inane social media posts that say Bill Gates will give a quarter for every forward. “I mean, it’s probably not true, but what if it is and we didn’t do anything?”