Senator mocks Kamala Harris's name at Trump rally

what an asshole

As usual in the reactionary realm, scumbaggery knows no limits.

The modern GOP really likes to revel in their own awfulness.

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Perdue, Turd-poo, whatever…

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Pepe LePew FTW.

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There was one location in Dekalb, I think, which had people waiting up to 11 hours?

Me too. I do like that they give you a physical print out which has your choices on them.

Agreed. That’s why we went early, too.

I do hope we can flip the state.



Labour just won by a landslide in New Zealand.

Just saying…


I get that people don’t like the word, but the people of Scotland have perfected a vocabulary to discuss this sort of person at exactly the length they merit


Many civility! So jackass! Wow!


Or Barack Hussein Obamacare as Scott Aukerman likes to call him.

Straight out of Office Space, “Samir Na…Naga…Na Not gonna work here anymore”. Same corporate assholes.


IIRC there was an Islamophobic conspiracy theorist who called him “B. Hussein Osama”.

Just to make this clear: Scott is a comedian who is absolutely joking when he says that. He’s actually produced Obama’s Between Two Ferns appearance and has been invited to the Obama White House.


Republicans should stick to mocking the disabled and veterans.


Christ, what an asshole.

Amen and amen!


Can’t you be civil? It’s pronounced ‘Bird-Doo’.

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The size of that blue lives matter flag astounded me. I get most of my news on the radio, so hadn’t seen pics of these rallies except for stage shots. That’s not even allowed in the federal flag code. WTF?


Texas here–go ahead and add us to the list, if you’re making one.

Growing up half-Asian, with an Asian surname, in the American Midwest in the '60s-'70s-'80s, it was never clear to me just how many people were truly struggling with my name, or if they were telegraphing microaggressions intentionally or unintentionally.

They even had problems with my first name (my given name).
My name is common, and it’s French in origin.

I am identifiably mixed race, as is Harris. All the crap she is going through now, I feel on a molecular level and it’s completely crap. The overused line “haters gonna hate” does not begin to describe the BS glacier of stress, added one insulting snowflake, sleet droplet, ice crystal at a time, layer after layer after layer, year upon year.

If I had not learned early to push it out of my mind, every day, I’d be flattened and carved out like like Lake Michigan. I am certain my experience is very common in the U.S. This consoling fact is one I embrace, in solidarity, with people who suffer as dominator culture chafes, squeezes, injures and yes sometimes kills them.

I consider myself lucky, btw.
Part of my life’s work had been to build the ladders that others seek to pull up behind themselves.

“History is ending because the dominator culture has led the human species into a blind alley, and as the inevitable chaostrophie approaches, people look for metaphors and answers. Every time a culture gets into trouble it casts itself back into the past looking for the last sane moment it ever knew.”
–Terence McKenna


Don’t even get me started on the flag code! Those that claim unwavering fidelity to the flag are the ones who are the most disrespectful of it.