Senator Warren gets in on the couch jokes

Originally published at: Senator Warren gets in on the couch jokes - Boing Boing


One thing that makes these jokes work so well is that they have been staying within the bounds of deniability. “I wouldn’t trust them to move my couch” or “…if he gets off his couch to debate me” would still make sense as barbs even if you didn’t know the couchfucking rumors.

That’s the kind of delivery Trump could never manage if the positions were reversed. He’d just walk straight up to the microphone with an evil smirk on his face and say “DID YOU HEAR HE FUCKED A COUCH??”


Colorado representative (and former Army Ranger) Jason Crow also made a couch joke:

You see, it’s not tough talk, it’s not chest-thumping. Because, in war, talk is cheap. And trust me, I know a couch commando when I see one.


Now be fair. Vance is a lover, not a fighter.


He loves to command his couch


Oh, I hope Kamala makes Elizabeth her Commerce Secretary
Elizabeth Warren Msnbc GIF by Election 2020


… she’s a senator already

Taking any other job would a step down :confused:

Not so sure. She’s super qualified, presumably nearing the end of her career at 75, and her senate seat is solidly blue. I could see it.

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… if, say, Hillary Clinton and Jeff Sessions had never become cabinet secretaries, then they would still be in the Senate today

Quitting the Senate was a mistake for both of them, and would be a mistake for Warren


This isn’t about taking “any other job”, this is about transferring from the legislative branch to the executive branch at cabinet level. How is this a step down?

Besides, there still are people, even in politics, who value a position where they can get shit done higher than a position with real or imagined “prestige”.

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