Sheriff's Deputy Ashley Gruno put an 80 year old woman in jail for expired medical marijuana card

You’d have them infringe her 2nd Amendment rights!?
Listen buddy, the lady can stash as many bazookas and claymore mines under the bed as she wants!


What we wound up with was Police Squad, only less funny and more murdery.




What a Dick!!!

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Another Dick!!!

Well, fascism does seem to be in vogue just lately.


Speaking as someone with an 80 year old parent, you just can’t expect the same level of mobility and cognition from the elderly as from the rest of society. She may have memory problems or dementia that make it harder for her to remember that her card has expired, she may find it more difficult to figure out how to renew the card and go through the process needed, or any number of other things. We shouldn’t have zero-tolerance “illegal is illegal” policing with no regard for the actual circumstances involved or the harm actually done to society by the crime. This is part of why judges consider things like insanity pleas and justified self-defense instead of just throwing the book at everybody as hard as possible, and why police sometimes let people off with a warning, as they should have here.


It underlines the fact that the arthritic senior citizen was not a threat to anyone, and her only offense was not renewing her prescription on time.


I would add that part of the issue is not “police”. Our entire society has begun to adopt zero tolerance policies about all sorts of things; ranging from the workplace, to schools, to sports, and of course to law/order.

Rules and laws can at times be adamant and set in stone…but many (if not most) should have room for interpretation as it applies to punishment.

Philosophy class discussion: Stealing is stealing, yes. But stealing money because greed shouldn’t illicit the same impunity as stealing bread by those starving (if at all).


Let me guess: the old lady has a paid off house and maybe a little land. Someone in the goon, excuse me, police department wants to confiscate it via an order of incompetence. 1500’s witch hunt for the millenium.


Adding a note that medical marijuana cards can be prohibitively expensive to obtain and renew for some folks. Here in Illinois you’re going to be in for about $200 before you even get to the dispensary.
Passport photo $10-15
Fingerprint background check $60-75
Application fee $100-$250 for 1-3 years (a reduced fee of $50-125 is available if you qualify)


I’m high right now. Again…


Without a license, too!


Roger That!


I would like to meet deputy ashley and personally thank him . I personally feel very threatened and unsafe by the rising numbers of seniors in my community. especially old octogenarian ladies. Centurions are even worse. the name even sounds like something akin to a storm trooper. I mean it fits right in there. You could swap it out easily "centurions of the empire " plus the empire had walkers and so do these old ladies . also think about it octogenarians thats 80 potential years of hard core criminal experience . this is the reason I have been training preying mantis kung fu for 4 hours a day since I was 17 years old. I could see the real threat. and it drove me to train harder and longer till I wore out the last “eye of the tiger” audio cassette I could find , and have found the intricate limb locking and grappling techniques of this martial art have been highly effective in mitigating the random weed crazed walker attacks that have been been currently on the rise.


Quote of the week.


Was she the victim or the crime?

I’d happily vote for any law that would decriminalize all drug use for citizens 70 years and older. Who else has the life experience and wisdom? They should become our psychonauts, those who explore the far reaches of the human mind. They should be free from pain and suffering. They should be allowed chemical relief from the fatigue of old age.

Leadership is not blindly following the rules. Leadership involves understanding why we have rules and applying them appropriately to the given situation. If rules were all we needed, we wouldn’t have judges and juries. Reasonable people understand this simple idea. Then we have the authoritarians.


I’d hesitate just a little…

I get all my LSD from Russia. Great labs over there, best chemists in the world. Listen, it’s the cleanest acid you’ll ever take. Never had a bad trip once!

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I agree with your point regarding diminished capacity and the absurdity of zero-tolerance policy, but the unwritten point of my unfortunately vague question is that age is a number that does not mean the same thing for all people. Trying to write laws based on these numbers creates arbitrary boundaries for the purpose of general decision making that ignores nuance. At what age should the possibility of age-related mobility and cognition impairment be considered when applying the law or should it be based on individual capabilities? Who should be making the individual decision?

Notorious RBG is 85. What does this mean when applying the law to her, or her application of the law?

I wasn’t letting the deputy off the hook for poor judgement. Just pointing out that the number of one’s age is not, in itself, a mitigating factor…nor her gender for that matter.