Sheriffs from 3 states very sad about Colorado's legal weed

“Looking like”?

It is a surrender to the pro-marijuana crowd, that’s the point.

That’s how the treaties got there in the first place; the US basically invented drug prohibition (as a jobs program for federal agents left over from alcohol prohibition), and then forced other countries to sign up to it. It’s probably the main reason European countries didn’t legalise drugs outright decades ago.

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Just saying “We can’t change the law, because it’s the law,” is a tautology. Look at the repeal of the prohibition of alcohol and tell me I’m misinformed.

That’s not the argument, though. The argument is “Marijuana is illegal due to federal law. And constitutionally, federal law takes precedence, no matter what state law says”.

To compare to alcohol prohibition, it would be like if one of the states tried to pass a law during prohibition that made alcohol legal (and I’m not aware of that happening, but haven’t really studied the period much)

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