Shocker: MAGA man actually changes his mind at a Trump rally (video)

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A third point I’d add is that if you want your own nation to have the strongest military in the world, you can either

  1. Dedicate untold amounts of human and financial resources to build up your own military
  2. Find cost-effective ways to weaken your adversaries’ militaries

Helping Ukraine chew up Putin’s forces is giving the United States way more bang for its buck for strategy #2 than it could ever hope to achieve through strategy #1. As Mike Pence once remarked in an uncharacteristic show of wit, Putin went from having the second most powerful military in the world to the second most powerful militarily in Ukraine.


That man stole my beard!


“Second army in Ukraine” is a familar jibe on Xitter, so it might not be original to Pence.


Maybe he changed his mind (because his position was formed in the vacuum of total ignorance), or maybe he just didn’t have a counter-argument in the moment (that he could actually express, anyways - some MAGAts are unwilling to admit “I like Putin because he’s a fascist”), or both - it’s total ignorance but he’ll flip back around as soon as someone says, “Putin is fighting the woke in Ukraine.” I just don’t trust that any MAGAt can be reached by reality. I know some of them must be able to be, but there’s so much counter-evidence…


Speaking of bang for your buck, another country is not only willing to fight Russia, but they desperately want to fight Russia. They’re pursuing USA and NATO interests and all they’re asking for in return is financial and equipment help. And it’s a real sovereign nation, not some group of fundamentalist rebels. No American troops need to set foot in another country. It’s the best deal we could ever hope for.


So … now I need an “I’m shocked. Shocked! Actually I am kind of shocked” GIF?

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If you read between the lines, MAGA Man wasn’t convinced that sending military aid to Ukraine was a good idea; he simply thought it was a convenient way to dispose of old US military hardware which would mean the hastening of newer hardware being acquired by the US military.

I’ll bet if the interviewer suggested sending the old hardware to Russia instead of Ukraine, MAGA Man would have enthusiastically agreed.

Don’t conflate someone’s acceptance of effects with their acceptance of the causes.


Ever seen one of those dexterity puzzle-toys, the one that challenges the player to carefully move the toy about in a way that the toy’s tiny metal balls drop into indentations and stay there? Maybe that’s how this guy’s mind works. Today, it’s, You have a great point there, Sonny… then the ball that popped out today will drop back in tomorrow when some other guy says, I think Sonny boy was wrong. Oh, yeah. You’re right!


It’s just a rip off of Schwarzkopf’s “Yesterday at the beginning of the ground war Iraq had the fourth largest army in the world. Today they have the second largest army in Iraq”.

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… that guy seems like somebody who “agrees” with whomever he talked to most recently :roll_eyes:


Yeah I remember reading about a study a few years ago where they took some regular Fox News viewers, and got them to watch only CNN and MSNBC for a month or so, and their views became much less radical. But it didn’t last because as soon as that part of the study was done, they all went right back to watching Fox News all day long. How easily some people can be convinced to change their minds is actually pretty concerning.


Unless Mockler then directly changed this person’s mind about supporting Trump, then it doesn’t matter much that he was able to get him to change his perception of Ukraine aid.

Creating new jobs by building more weapons. Smells a little bit like a broken window fallacy.

But hey, I’m super biased. I don’t think we should be making bombs and missiles at all.

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