Shootout in Oregon: one terrorist killed, eight arrested

Reminds me of that app for “charging your phone via wifi!” With a fake meter registering the rate at which your phone is extracting energy from a wifi signal. I’ve seen gullible folks fall for that one too.


This immediately comes to mind as a good response to his incredulity with not being able to leave without charges:


from the video, it sounds like he fled, crashed into a snowbank, and then got out of his car and was headed TOWARDS the officers when he was shot. it doesn’t sound like they shot him in the back or anything like that.

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Because of the group’s ready-to-kill-cops rhetoric I figured that there was a good chance that one of them started shooting at the cops which would, obviously, cause the cops to shoot back. To the extent that did not happen I am shaking my head at willingness of American cops to kill (which is obviously a problem even if this is not an example of that problem).

There’s certainly a lot of reason to speculate the shooting might have been justified (or the result of a genuine misunderstanding where the cops thought an armed man who had vowed to kill them was going to kill them but he was really getting his gun so he could put it down and surrender or what-have-you), but my mind wouldn’t exactly be blown if some police officers or federal agents overreacted and shot someone.


Allegedly there is a video of the whole thing. I expect that it will be released sooner or later.


Wow. I was just pointing out that “ties to” is ambiguous. You could say I have ties to MLK because we went to the same college, or you could say I have ties to white supremacy groups because I post on Reddit. If you’re trying to be informative, including more information is a good thing. I’d just prefer to have it said what kind of ties.

That narrator, David Fry, that boy ain’t right.


I wonder what the giant flaw (not a flaw) in the video that we will hear about ad nauseum will be?


The burning temperature of jet fuel?


The kerning?
The pixels?


The flag is waving but there is no wind in Oregon?


Both of those would be fallacies of association. Those things could however, be said. But they would not be evidence of anything.

The ties discussed were significantly more direct, one to one. I refer back to an earlier response to you here: Shootout in Oregon: one terrorist killed, eight arrested - #84 by milliefink


The road block, shooting and arrests carried out by North American Union police - paid in Ameros - on orders from the UN?


IMO, this is the most correct answer.

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Before @Mister44 corrects me, that’s an AK47



“Why can’t I get in my vehicle and drive home like I’ve done four other times since I got here?” said Sean Anderson, 47, of Riggins, Idaho, who was at the refuge along with wife Sandy, David Fry, 27, of Ohio and another man, Jeff Banta. “Because I didn’t leave the night they told us to do that? […]”


I love those weird ground rules that they have made up. If you go home after committing a crime, then they can’t touch you because that would be unfair.


You mean the statute of limitations doesn’t apply to being outside the vicinity of where the crime occurred? What’s extradition anyway?

Fun fact: Oregon LEOs are all able to arrest you anywhere in the state, so there’s none of this county sheriffs or city cops stopping at the county border and letting you get away during a chase.


Yes, I know that now. I’m not saying she doesn’t have ties. What I’m saying is it’s possible to walk away from that sentence with a wide range of interpretations. It would be more helpful and require no extra effort to speak more clearly.

I’m not trying to debate the meaning of the phrase. It doesn’t matter how correct your definition is if the reader is using a different one.