Shootout in Oregon: one terrorist killed, eight arrested

In this case, the posturing is the crime. Threatening to kill people is not an innocuous act.


They are actors. Actors who have signed releases.

Apparently, one of the “defendyourbase” video allegedly has words to that effect, but I’m bad at searching my internet history. Psst … it’s a big scheme for Obama to seize everyone’s guns.

update: found it

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Yep . . . and are they still bawling that the FBI is going to storm in and kill 'em all? Sean Anderson needs to take his medicine.

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I wonder whether the truth may be harder for the last remaining dongslingers to admit. Where was the Bundy Braintrust going when they arrested?

Were the Bundys heading out for a strategic meeting and planned to return, or were they trying to escape and leave those that remained to take the big fall?

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But sheriffs are the only authority they recognize…

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What are others to do to distinguish themselves to you, which you have set an example for? Honest question.

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Avoid editorializing in posts presented as news articles. Cory’s a professional writer, I’d like to see him hold himself to a high standard.

Do you come here expecting BoingBoing to be a news source? This might be the problem.


I think that’s the answer. BoingBoing’s in my daily cycle of “what’s new on the internet?” aggregators, I should refile it under blogs.

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Google News seems to think it’s popular. Which is cool, I guess. But it also means that the bbs gets patronized by more than the usual riffraff.

It seems kind of crazy that they expected to get away with driving so far from the refuge for that meeting, especially since in an interview with LaVoy Finicum from the night before he mentioned that law enforcement seemed to be gearing up for something. And it was pretty dumb not to leave at least one of their “important” guys in Harney County, just in case. But . . . not like they were the most brilliant strategists before that, either. I think they just got used to the feds leaving them alone and got cocky.


When they put out the call for brilliant strategists, who/what do we send them?

Barney Fife?


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I only wish she’d included Gandhi, MLK, and Steve Jobs.

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Oh absolutely. I think the Bible verses go something like:

“I have no intention of spending any of my days in a concrete box cave”
“Pontius Pilate will not arrest me. Not alive, anyways.”
–Jesus of Nazareth



Ah, that sudden explosion of the carp population was His doing.