Shootout in Oregon: one terrorist killed, eight arrested

One would think there would be more video sources than just the dash - this was a planned intervention, as they had plucked one of their members when leaving the compound previously.

A traffic stop would be the ideal time/place to seize these guys, so one could safely assume that there were plans in place to conduct such a stop. With that planning, getting the entire event on video - from multiple angles - would be a good way to refute any potential claims of police misconduct. I’d be surprised that there was no video monitoring of this event. Though, after writing that, I am immediately reminded of how much cops hate cameras.


As a non-US reader I may be getting things wrong, but when I was reading about this on The Guardian and got to this bit in the long string of quotes of people saying how nice the dead guy was…

Another daughter, Challice Finicum Finch, told NBC News: “We all thought it would end, but not like this.

“My dad did stress that they wouldn’t pull a gun on them [officers] unless they pulled a gun. [/QUOTE]

I couldnt help to think “thats not how it works, and you should know it”


As well as “that was all faked by the government, just like 9/11 and the Sandy Hook Massacre.” People have a near infinite ability to double down on the crazy. After all one of the guys involved in this standoff is a stone cold flat Earther.


I don’t get it, BoingBoing. You’re all about crying “police brutality!”, but all the sudden you are happy that the police are shooting people? Hypocritical much? #whitelivesdontmatter ?

After last years reports of US police brutality/killings it isn’t entirely out of the ordinary though…

Check This Out.

I don’t see where any one here is happy about the shooting. Not that I will feel bad about one of them ‘dying for their cause’ other than it is giving them what they want. All things considered I think this was about the best possible way for it to have ended without a major fiasco.


I’m guessing you also think that the only racism that exists anymore is “racism against white people”?


Had the freedom fighters not been white and wearing cowboy hats, this occupation likely would have ended on Jan 7th with a lot more blood shed. Besides, I don’t see any celebrating going on. One guy wanted to die by cop, he died by cop, end of story.


Is there any evidence of police misconduct other than the word of someone who wasn’t there, contradicted by someone who was?

And I don’t think too many people here are happy that he was shot. I for one think it is rather unfortunate that this little shitstain got his martyrdom.


I don’t wish for anyone to be killed but the willingness for authorities to not resort to violence is immediately apparent. Especially when you look at other protests and movements. Either way, the whole debacle is for the most part done so that’s that. Though there will be the whole legal proceedings which will be a whole other show.

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Not just “some shack in the woods”, but a highly sensitive wildlife preservation area. And that “shack” contains about 4000 precious Paiute antiquities, which the tribe has been happy to have stored there for them. Definitely time to evict these extremist looters and vandals.


Sad when a government kills anyone. Even idiots who are wrong.


The happy part is that the leaders of the armed extremists were captured. The fact that one of the armed extremists (who said he’d die rather than be captured) was shot isn’t the yay part. That part’s sad.

Armed people with a history of threatening violence against law enforcement charging cops and getting shot - not police brutality.


Yep, terrorizing the Paiutes, as you say, and also the employees of the wildlife refuge and the local community in general.

I, for one, don’t rejoice for the waste of a life. But I can’t bring myself to weep, either. It’s more of a case for facepalming, really.

That being said, you’re comparing uncalled for police brutality with a legitimate arrestation that went awry because the arrested were idiots. Apples and sawing machines, really.


And if there does seem to be some jubilation, it’s not for the fact that a person got killed - it’s for the fact that the rule of law has come back into play, and we are reassured that roving bands of well armed men cannot, in fact, commandeer whatever happens to take their fancy.


I was just trying to figure out why the Occupy groups were heros, but these guys are terrorists. I guess it’s because they have guns. What I’ve learned from BoingBoing is that we hate people in this order:

  1. TSA
  2. People with guns who aren’t cops
  3. People with guns who are cops.

In this case, (2) beats (3), so it’s okay.

Look, I don’t support these guys, and I hope the rest of them clear off. But the judgements fly thick and fast around here, and I think it would be good if you stopped and considered them once in a while.


easy first pass filter:
nonviolent protest - acceptable
armed paramilitary operations - never acceptable

This is not hard.

It’s always good to stop and consider, but considering by framing in intellectually dishonest terms - never acceptable


Are you really equating cops who shoot unarmed civilians in cold blood with all cops? If you recognize that there’s a distinction, try to guess which group I object to

Are you really equating people who commit crimes using guns with all gun owners? If you recognize that there’s a distinction, try to guess which group I object to