Originally published at: Short horror-comedy film about a woman getting stuck in a Red Lobster commercial | Boing Boing
Huh, is that Carrie Coon? Yes, yes it is. And the waiter is Morgan Spector, a familiar TV face. Interesting, this wasn’t exactly the usual indie horror/Youtube short, though the writer/director doesn’t seem to have done anything since.
Pretty sure that is a small pitcher of delicious melted butter being poured onto her. Just saying…it is a Red Lobster, after all
I have a box of Red Lobster garlic cheese bun mix that I’ve been saving for a special occasion.
I was waiting for the outer video with the guy commenting on the film to end up being in a horror film himself. A kind of meta horror. Oh well. The Red Lobster film was interesting on its own.
Well, he’s a YouTuber, so in a way he lives in unending terror…that YouTube will pull or demonetize his content, or just tweak the algorithm so that no one sees his stuff because it doesn’t have a person “showing emotion” in the thumbnail
Wow, that was kind of a brilliant meditation on addiction recovery.
The original, that is. I didn’t watch the YT guy.
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