Shower curtain with pockets for phones and tablets so you can stay connected while wet

Unless you have a disability or medical condition that may warrant being in there for a long time, in which case it might be really handy. Or, for example, if you’re elderly and want to be able to make an emergency call if you fall. There are lots of reasons this might be useful.

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Hey, I’m just a bathroom reader for life who can’t imagine in 2018 not having my smartphone with me in the bathroom! I have been known to literally conduct business while doing my business (mostly emails, but there have been a few conf calls on mute…)

And sorry, I come from a family where it wasn’t totally verboten to discuss poop-habits. :wink:



So much truth, in that simple phrase. Yeah, I’m down with The Doctor. :star_struck:


You know… I just kind of noticed Prince Adam’s head looks like, well, a dick.


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I’ve kept a Game Boy Color - running Tetris, in my bathroom for the last 15 years or so. I’ve taken to peeing sitting down at home because it’s too hard to play Tetris otherwise. I never let the game near the shower though.



You are, of course, entirely correct. But isn’t it interesting (i.e. disappointing) that, in general, makers of things like this market their wares with broad mass-market campaigns designed to encourage us all to never be disconnected from our screens for a nanosecond, in the vain hope that someone, somewhere will buy, rather than target their marketing activity at specific audiences likely to have a real - as opposed to perceived or marketeer-led fabricated - need. This is to the detriment of those who do have real need, seeing as they are less likely to discover said wares, which genuinely could improve their lives, as a result of such unimaginative marketing.
Marketing in its strict, and broadest sense is about identifying markets and producing goods to meet identified markets’ needs. Mostly, people who market stuff like this are failing. Was the market you identify any part of the designers’ and marketeers’ deliberations? Reading the blurb on the Amazon page I rather doubt it, given the emphasis on having fun rather than any utility.

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Sometimes the smell of my own shit still brings back vivid memories of Link’s Awakening…


Probably great for those long and depression poops.


Finally. A civilized human!


This comment made me sad with the visuals it conjured up…


I read once that a lot of the silliest products in infomercials were designed for people with disabilities but seeking mass market appeal obviously to grow an otherwise tiny market. Since I read that I tend to try to view more otherwise ridiculous products with that lens.

I certainly agree with the main point though. I live with a young woman who is never without a device going. It’s podcasts while she’s moving and TV while she’s stationary. With the exception of the shower where it’s also podcasts. She never sits with her thoughts or spends any time without having something pumped in her ears. It’s disconcerting. I sent her the link to the boingboing store waterproof bluetooth speaker only so we don’t have to hear podcasts blasting every time she showers.


I have a small library in the bathroom. Also, crosswords.


Wait a minute … wait a minute!

The shower curtain is on the opposite side of the bather, …
the wall of the shower stall is clear, …
and the vinyl pockets are affixed to the outside of the wall, …
without any moisture protection.


How is she touching that phone?
Why are her boobs doodling on the iPad?
It’s a Scooby-Doo Mystery of Marketing.

But there’s no denying …
She’s certainly a talented multi-tasker!

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I used to have a cheap “waterproof” Bluetooth speaker to listen to music and podcasts in the shower. Now that I have a properly “water resistant” phone, I just bring that in the shower with me and prop it up behind a shampoo bottle as far from the shower head as possible.


Actual conversation last month.

Me after calling colleague back within five minutes: “Sorry I missed your call. I was answering nature’s.”

Colleague: “You didn’t have your phone with you?”

Me: “I had it.” Several seconds of uncomfortable silence during which I imagined the Borg Queen demanding why I disconnected from the Collective for eight whole minutes.


If the cultural norm is heading toward taking photos and posting them to #poopsofinstagram then I’m leaving.


Oh, wow, you seem to have missed it, but I’m not going to disabuse you of your bliss. Good luck to you.


Leaving… the internet, or the planet?

