"Silicon Valley" actor TJ Miller arrested for fake bomb threat

I think the Emoji Movie broke him …


So maybe Jian-Yang can get the 10% of Pied Piper signed over to him for posting bail?


What an asshole.

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“You know, Russ, I’ve been known to fuck myself.”

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ok, I’ll be that guy, isn’t it possible he really thought the lady had a bomb? Maybe she was threatening him while they were having their ‘altercation.’ They always say if you see something, say something. Maybe he was just living by that rule.

That will be his defense.


Listen to the guy in a couple interviews. You’ll get over it quick. Christ, what an asshole. I thought it was kind of a bummer too, until I took a minute to learn about him.

Compare his interviews with something like Thomas Middleditch’s appearance on My Dad Wrote a Porno. The show’s not going to suffer.

Since no one seems to want to ask, what I really want to know is: When did Beetlejuice escape??


I saw something about brain surgery somewhere else as well. It was also a secondary source though so who knows if it’s true. But if it is it makes some sense. It said that he had had removed a portion of the frontal lobe, which is supposed to be involved in regulating behavioural impulses. From Wikipedia:

The function of the frontal lobe involves the ability to project future consequences resulting from current actions, the choice between good and bad actions (or better and best) (also known as conscience), the override and suppression of socially unacceptable responses, and the determination of similarities and differences between things or events.

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Of course it was. That is obvious. The real question is how much time will he actually get in light of the recent SWATTING death? If I am the prosecutor, he serves no less than six months.

Anything is possible. the question is, “Given the evidence we have, how likely is it?” The testimony from witnesses that he was previously fighting with the women seems to make it an almost certainty that he was swatting her.

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They can just hire Christopher Plummer to redo his scenes.


What an unusual way to announce his retirement.

It’s likely not unrelated and may be used as a mitigating factor in his defense that he had a golf ball sized piece of his brain removed in the frontal lobe area in 2010.

“Frontal Lobe (behind the forehead) An injury to this part of the brain cancause changes in emotional control, initiation, motivation, and inhibition. An intolerance for frustration and easily provoked aggressive behavior are typical.”

Disinhibition and other effects may give people some utility in the entertainment industry. Roseanne was also institutionalized for eight months after a traumatic brain injury when young that drastically changed her behavior.


Yeah, for all of the people saying what he did was stupid (don’t get me wrong, it was an objectively bad and dangerous thing to do) I don’t think it’s entirely fair to chalk it up to yet another “young, dumb actor wrecking his life.”

I think there’s a real mental health angle here that we need to be conscious of, and not let ourselves get carried away. He had that operation during the production of Yogi Bear and he and others noted immediate changes in his behavior.


Yeah it’s weird because normally I’d be totally full of loathing for this guy, but I just watched that and he seemed genuinely worried about whether he was going to be able to do his job anymore at some point and his descriptions of how erratic his behavior really was and how enabling and passive people around are because they all assume he’s just on some new drug actually became sort of disturbing especially considering how subdued and resigned his demeanor was… now I’m just kind of like damn… I think his career is really over. And for some reason I’m sad. Though I’ve never paid any attention to him before and couldn’t have cared less… weird what context can do. I guess it’s the difference between “this guy did this full well knowing his fame and thinking he’d get away with it” and “this guy is a danger to himself and others and will probably be in and out of hospitalization before his death while being in the news the whole time.” I’ve never been so happy to not be famous. If I go crazy for ten years before I die… at least it will be in private! But then considering the industry he’s in, it’ll probably be celebrated. God people are fucked up.


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